Hai-Yu Enterprise Co., Ltd.
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全球水產養殖權威 海育企業股份有限公司是臺灣第一個以專業生產蝦類人工餌料和高經濟水產飼料為主的製造廠商,也是臺灣第一支蝦苗專用的人工餌料-益苗寶的製造工廠。益苗寶的研發成功,讓蝦苗的繁殖技術得以突破,並讓臺灣在短短數年之間,享有「養蝦王國」的美譽。海育從早期苗料的製造,發展至現在蝦類養殖全系列產品及各種具有高經濟價值的水產品種繁殖苗料和養殖飼料,包括石斑魚開口料、石斑魚飼料、蝦苗飼料、成蝦飼料、水質處理、和養殖設備等等。 歷經四十多年,海育專心致力於水產養殖業,除了提供高經濟價值的水產苗料,例如: 蝦、石斑、海鱺魚、金目鱸魚、鮭魚、筍殼魚、尼羅魚、鮑魚、海參飼料,也提供負離子溶氧系統,是目前全球公認水產養殖環境中最高性能的溶氧設備之一。現在海育持續開發新產品讓各國的水產養殖戶能獲得高收成和高利潤。 海育就是A.A.A.,事業、水產、養殖。

GLOBAL AUTHORITY OF AQUACULTURE HATCHING & PRAWN CULTURING Hai-Yu Enterprise Co., Ltd. Is a professional manufacturer of shrimp culturing products. Hai-Yu also is the first manufacturer of making shrimp larval feed in Taiwan. Before that Taiwan didn't have success experience in shrimp hatchery cultivation, IY MIAO PAO was developed by Hai-Yu. Taiwan shrimp farmers began to experience success in shrimp larvae hatching. From late 1970's the shrimp culturing prosperously grew very fast in Taiwan.Within 4 or 5 years Taiwan became “ The kingdom of shrimp culturing in the world”.Nowadays Taiwan's technology of shrimp culturing still keep the leadership in the world and IY MIAO PAO still is the best shrimp larvae feed in global shrimp feed market. Going through four decades, Hai-Yu only concentrates on aquaculture business,not only provide high economic aquatic species hatchery feed such as, shrimp,grouper, cobia, barramundi, salmon, marble goby, tilapia, abalone, sea cucumber feed, but also provide NINS (Negative Ion Nozzles System), one of the best equipment to produce high performance of Dissolve Oxygen in aquaculture environment in the world. Right now the Hai-Yu's total solution of aquaculture keeps in helping aquaculture farmers to increase the harvest rate all over the world.



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