Kuay Tong Co., Ltd.
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arrow 藍爵士 里雞肉片
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About Company

寵物食品、寵物用品就在藍爵士 過去 在五十年代的臺灣,就食、衣、住、行、育、樂而言,均處於貧窮之際,我們提供了高營養價值的肉類食品及乳品,讓人民得到營養與健康,改善了國民的生活品質及強健的體魄,在五十年的歲月裡,由過去日常用品及生活物資樣樣缺乏,歷經多少個時空背景、社會形態的改變•由貧瘠到豐衣足食的今天,那是經歷過人民的努力、才逐漸步入社會經濟的繁榮。 現在的今天,我們同樣也提供優質、高營養價值且富含高營養素的肉類食品,給我們人類的好朋友(忠於人類愛犬狗狗)享有寵物零嘴及愛犬點心,藉此犒賞,讓家裡的每一份子都擁有幸福、滿足與快樂的感覺。 藍爵士 BlueJazz是寵物寶貝的最佳首選! 值得您我信賴的藍爵士寵物食品,以羊肉、牛肉、雞肉及起司製品為主的肉類食品,本公司堅持採用優良肉品製造而成,符合食品級要求之寵物産品,讓您我的寶貝(寵物)吃起來更安心。 羊肉:含有豐富的營養素,蛋白質顆粒細緻精美,屬於溫補、低膽固醇、低過敏之優質肉品。 牛肉:具有豐富營養素,滋補鮮美是優質之肉類食材。 雞肉:肉質鮮嫩,夠嚼勁,不帶油膩、容易消化,是甘溫無毒且富含高蛋白質的營養肉類食品。 起司:含有豐富的蛋白質及維生素A,更是豐富營養鈣的好食品,口感清爽有益於愛犬的健康。 Oligo寡糖:可以消臭整腸、容易消化、甜美又可口。 嚴選優良食材、豐富營養鈣的寵物零嘴 寵牠! 愛牠! 就給牠… 有健康概念的寵物食品 藍爵士是值得信賴的寵物 點心、 零食。 產品全程台灣製造! 產地:台灣 Made in Taiwan 藍爵士BlueJazz寵物食品 TEL:04-8895889 FXL:04-8897036 歡迎 經銷 藍爵士寵物食品 上線訂購 : www.bluejazztw.com

-Blue Jazz- We give you the Quality Pet Food & Supplies In 1960s, the food, cloth, shelter, transportation, education, and entertainment were not so convenient in Taiwan. We supplied high nutrition meant and dairy products, which improved people’s quality of life. Over the past 50 years, people took great effort to improve the economic in Taiwan, the social structures changed, from the lack of necessity goods to the abundant of sources. Now, we also provide quality and high nutrition meat to human’s best friend, the always loyalty dogs. You can treat your loyal friends the snack for their sweet companion. -Blue Jazz- The Best Choice for Pets Blue Jazz supplies you the trustworthy pet food. The pet foods are made of mutton, beef, chicken and cheese. Blue Jazz insists that produce the pet foods with quality meat which follow the food polices so that your baby (pet) can eat safely. Mutton: It contains plenty of nutrients. The fine protein particles have the description of warming and the features of low cholesterol & hypoallergenic. Beef: It contains plenty of nutrients. It is healthy and tasty. Chicken: The meat is tender, al dente, not greasy, and easy to digest. It contains high proteins which are moderate and non-toxic. Cheese: It contains plenty of proteins, Vitamin A, and Calcium. It tastes fresh and healthy to your dogs. Oligosaccharide (Oligo): It can deodorize and stabilize the digestion system. It tastes sweet & delicious and digests easily.



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