Boncern Technology Co.,Ltd
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成立于2005年9月,我們整合製造LED應用產品所需的相關產業人員,全新的團隊,完全沒有任何傳統包袱與思維!專業設計及生產LED相關各種應用產品,提供您最完整、最快速的服務。 LED將在21世紀為人類帶來全新領域與商機,因此,我們以創新的思維及跨產業的結合能力,為新一代LED產品帶來更強大的市場優勢。我們認為一個好的LED應用產品不應該只有針對LED及價格做考量,應該是各種因素如:產品效果呈現、外型設計、開發時間、使用壽命、成本、品質管控等的結合。Boncern根據各種不同的LED應用需求、效果需求及市場需求,從LED元件的挑選,以及機構分析、熱流分析、光學分析、電路控制與保護、材質選用、外型設計與包裝等每一個細節去衡量與整合,期望得到最佳化設計及最具市場競爭力的LED應用產品。 一個好的想法若沒有經過全盤的整合與包裝,將無法有效提昇其市場競爭優勢。我們期許能提供我們的設計及整合能力,讓每一個Idea都能被迅速及方便地轉化成無限商機! ODM - 不讓少數大廠專美於前,你也可以打造自己的品牌產品 - Tell us you need,Just ideas - 整合過的產品才能在市場中脫穎而出 - 美感與質感的結合 OEM - 速度與成本的考量 - 專屬的專業生產團隊

Boncern Technology Establish in 2005/9, we integrates to make the related industry personnel whom the LED application product needs, all-new team, have no traditional burden and thinking completely!The profession designs and produces the LED related and various applied product.Provide your most complete and the most fast service LED will behave a type to bring the all-new realm and business opportunities in 21 centuries, therefore, we with creative thinking and across industry to combine an ability, bring stronger market advantage for the new generation LED product.We think a good LED to apply a product and shouldn't only have to do a consideration to the LED and price, should be various factor as:The product result presents, the features design, the development time, service life, cost, quality control, , etc. combines.Boncern according to various different LED applied the need, the result need and the market need, choose from the LED component, and organization analysis, the heat flows analysis, optics analysis, electric circuit control and protect, the material chooses use, the features each details such as design and packing etc.s measure with the integration, expect to get optimization to design and have the LED of the market competition ability application product most If a good viewpoint didn't pass by to integrate completely with the packing, will can't promote its market competitive advantage effectively.We expect to the design and the integration ability that can provide us, let each Idea ability quick &convert infinite business opportunities expediently ODM - Don't make few big factories particularly beautiful in the front, you can also create ownbrand product - Tell us you need,Just ideas - The product talent for integrating outshines others in the market - The pleasant impression and texture combine OEM - The consideration of the speed and cost - The exclusive profession produces a team



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