HG Technology Co., Ltd.
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位於台灣彰化,一個致力於切削刀具研發。 生產。行銷的專業經營團隊,我們擁有豐富的製程經驗,能提供客戶最滿意的服務。 我們的服務範圍廣泛的包括了3C產業,半導體產業、醫療器材、航太工業、精密模具等。 虹鉅並不斷研發更先進的製程技術,以延長刀具壽命、提升工作效率、減少製程中的刀具損耗成本。增加客戶獲利為企業經營目標。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 虹鉅鎢鋼銑刀系列,從原料到產品堅持使用歐洲原廠刀具製程,我們選用高品質穩定的德國鎢鋼原料,精密的德國及瑞士6軸刀具磨床,先進的瑞士鍍膜技術,及嚴格的德國光學檢驗設備。 虹鉅產品以合理的價格,穩定的品質,目前銷售網含蓋世界20餘國,並不斷持續累積成長,我們將秉持創造客戶最大利益的企業精神,不斷精進,和所有的客戶共同成長。

HG Technology Co., Ltd., located at Changhua, Taiwan, dedicated to developing, designing, producing, and marketing cutting tools, comprises professionals with sophisticated processing experience that provide extensive services and ensure total customer satisfaction. Our service range extensively covers 3C, semiconductor, medical care equipment, aerospace, and precision molding industries. HG Technology continuously develops more advanced processing technologies based on the enterprise philosophy of extending the lifespan of tools, increasing work efficiencies, minimizing production costs in terms of wear and tear of tools, and maximizing customer benefits. For HGT Carbide End Mills, from material to finished products, HG Technology insists on utilizing the processes provided by the original European manufacturers for the production. We only use high quality and stable German Carbide Rods, German and Swiss 6-axis CNC Grinding machines, advanced Swiss Coating technologies, and sophisticated German Digital Measuring Instruments. With reasonable prices and stable quality, HG Technology has an expanding sales network that currently covers more than 20 countries throughout the world. Based on the enterprise philosophy of maximizing customers¡¦ benefits, HG Technology continuously refines itself and grows together with all its customers.



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