Luxe Printing Co.,LTD.
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arrow Touch Panel Solutions
  Touch Panel Solutions
arrow Matrix touch panels
  Matrix touch panels

About Company

自西元1986年起,志沛企業有限公司在台灣工業螢幕領域發展透明觸控開關、薄膜按鍵開關至今已有超過10年的設計及20年的生產製造經驗,而這兩者的專業技能經驗提供產品設計領域解決能力的優勢。我們並依照客戶需求量身設計透明觸碰開關的應用軟體於PDA、筆記型電腦、PC個人電腦、終端機以及其他工業、金融、消費性電子產品。透過這些專業經驗,我們深知產品耐久度、穩定度的重要性,以及觸控面板上金屬區塊的光線傳輸範圍限制。總結,志沛企業有限公司長久以來廣泛的經驗及堅強的科技研發眼光能使每個業主擁有最新最頂尖的觸控式面板產品研發技術。 志沛企業有限公司的企業理念在於提供客戶優質的產品、價錢的優勢以及完善的客戶服務,讓每個客戶可以成功的在其市場領域有所發展。不僅如此,在台灣、中國等地區,我們也設立製造基地、辦事處,以更有效率的態度及精神來服務客戶;當然,美國地區也有設立業務辦事處,不論在技術、業務、產品客服方面有任何疑問,我們也可以即時服務敬愛的業主們。 志沛企業有限公司秉持服務精神,為各界先進提供眾多規格化及客制化的透明觸控開關,讓每位業主可以輕易的利用規格化的螢幕及LCD模組研發所屬的產品以四線透明觸控開關為例,我們提供4至21英吋規格範圍的開關;五線則提供10.1至17英吋規格範圍的開關;矩陣式開關方面,志沛最大提供到21英吋的規格。我們並維持穩定的產品庫存量,讓每個業主可以於最短時間收取商品;為了服務業主,我們也客制特殊規格的產品需求,絕對達到您的滿意度。

Luxe Printing has been engaging in industrial screen printing since 1986. To date, Luxe has more than ten years of experience in designing and manufacturing resistive touch panels and twenty years of experience in producing membrane switches in Taiwan. Our expertise in both membrane switch and touch panel has enable us to provide design solutions that take advantage of combination of these two technologies. For touch panel applications, our design and manufacturing engineers have been working closely with customers in input device solution ranging from PDA, Notebook, PCs, Kiosk terminals and many other industrial, commercial and consumer electronic products. Through this experience, our engineers understand the importance of durability, reliability, dimensional constraint and light transmission limitation in material selection of touch panel development. In sum, our broad experience and strong technical insight make us an ideal vendor for your new touch panel product development. Luxe’s goal is to provide our customers with superior products, price and customer services so that customers can compete successfully in their respective market. Luxe can now service our customers from both Taiwan plant and China plant so that customers with manufacturing sites in China can enjoy more efficient logistics support. For US customers, our US engineering and marketing support office provides a local and real time assistance in US time zone.



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