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  Substrate for high power LED

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關於先進奈米科技   先進奈米科技股份有限公司(Advanced Nano Technology, Inc., ANT.)創立於民國九十二年六月,在鍍膜技術領域如鍍膜設備之製造、技術開發、設計運用與推廣輔導等有深入的專業知識及廣泛的經驗。有鑑於今日傳統製造業受到對岸低製造成本的威脅,加以目前我國鍍膜技術之運用仍停留於代工屬性,故創辦人王義勇先生成立先進奈米科技,將鍍膜科技引入新興領域如奈米產業、精密機械、光電產業以及航太產業,與各新興產業結合,從而創造出有加值性運用之商品。目前之商品潮流著重在輕、薄、短、小,期望先進奈米之鍍膜科技在一般性應用及加值性應用上有更大的貢獻及發展之潛力。 先進奈米科技股份有限公司目前之鍍膜技術應用主要有二,說明如下: 一、一般性應用:超導熱鍍膜、奈米瓷金鍍膜。 二、加值性應用:高效能電磁輻射遮蔽鍍膜(EMI)、健身增壽配件表面處理(TiO2之功能發揮殺菌除臭自潔)、光學元件(如電 致變色元件)、鍍膜設備研發(多元素多層次超晶格)、高效能薄膜電池、其他如光學、磁學、電性等諸多領域有待鍍膜技 術的切入之市場。   在目前科技日新月異的時代裡,公司必須在既有研發能量的基礎之上,持續鍍膜之設計開發,保持競爭優勢,且面對產品多面向之功能訴求,必須廣泛結合、產官、學資源,如此方能使公司之優勢持續保持下去而達到公司之永續經營。基於這樣的理念與動機,先進奈米申請進入逢甲大學創新育成中心,在逢甲大學人才濟濟、設備完善及資源充沛的環境下,建立起多元化、國際化經營的利基,追求永續經營之目標。 為逢甲大學研發能量延伸出目前及未來市場,終極目標在公司國際化,本公司鎖定鍍膜科技及材料之推廣,本公司 之願景如下: 一、「小」:藉由尺寸薄膜及奈米化,再加上具有大表面積的等特殊效應,因此所表現的特性如熔點、磁性、光學、導熱 與導電性等,往往不同於整體(bulk)態時所表現的性質。 二、「創」:藉由尺寸薄膜及奈米化,創造了不同於以往商品的運用範圍,大幅提升商品的附加價值。 三、「先」:因「小」、「創」所奠定之良好競爭優勢,不僅要不斷地領先,進而要有超越自己及超越國內、外競爭對手 之企圖心。 四、「進」:不斷地提升產品之壽命,且進一步提升人類的生命價值。而使先進奈米科技股份有限公司能成為鍍膜及材料 科技的設計及製造先鋒。

Advanced Nano Technology, Inc. (ANT) was established on June 16th 2003 to provide coating services and technological professional expertise in coating technologies, with regard to the equipment used for thin film deposition,development of thin films, design applications, popularization of coating technologies and reduced consultancy.With traditional ma- nufacturing industries being threatened by the production costs of Mainland China,there has been a shift in Taiwan to the creation ofcompanies that provide coating services for components produced abroad. ANT applies the coating tec- hnology in providing solutions for surface treatments of light, intricate components used in the advances industries su- ch as nanotechnology, precision machinery, optoelectronics and aerospace.The focus of ANT is on the development of coating technologies for the future, with consideration to: 1 General applications: High efficient thermal conductive coatings, Advanced nano-ceramic coatings. 2 Value Added Applications: coatings for high efficiency electromagnetic interference shielding, active surface proce- sses(for example the application of TiO2 for anti-bacterial, de-odorizing, self-cleaning purposed), optical devices(s- uch as electrochromic devices), design of novel coating systems (such as multielement, multi-layered and super l- attice thin films used for batteries, optics, magnetism, electricity and many otherpossible applications.) In order for Advanced Nano Technology, Inc. to remain at the forefront in the fast changing technological environment of today, it is continually designing and developing innovative coatings for a wide range of applications and products,with strong collaborative links to industry, government and academic resources. ANT is now established at the Business In- cubation Center of Feng Chia University, which provides the ideal environment for professional and technical expertise, as well as equipment and abundant resources to reach the goal of diversification and sustainable international operati- on Advanced Nano Technology, Inc. aims to expand coating technology, with the vision of following: 1 Producing nano-scale coating solutions: Development of Nano-scale coating technologies, which provide unique and diverse surface properties. 2 Innovation new coating designs: Generate novel nano-scale coating systems that significantly improve product v- alues and the range of applications for coating technologies. 3 Leading in coating technology: Establish ANT as a leader in both the domestic and international coating through markets the design and innovation of competitive nano-scale coatings. 4 Advances the coating industry: Be constantly at the forefront in development and manufacturing of nanotechnology c- oatings,to provide constant improvements in the quality of products, which in turn should lead to a better standard of living for everyone.



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