Socle Technology Corp.
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虹晶科技股份有限公司成立於2001年7月,實收資本額逾新台幣伍億元,除新竹總公司外,並有上海子公司虹晶電子(上海),拓展業務及服務客戶。 虹晶科技致力於SoC(System on Chip)之設計服務與平台解決方案,提供IP研發、驗證與授權以及ASIC委外生產服務(Turnkey Service)。客戶範圍涵蓋台灣重要的系統廠商和IC設計公司,橫跨美國、日本、韓國、大陸等市場。 虹晶科技與晶圓廠有良好的合作關係,除了提供SoC最佳設計服務外,更在先進製程如40/28奈米上提供強大的技術能力與資源,維持虹晶於設計服務業界的領先地位。為了追求長期成長,虹晶科技也不斷強化IP、EDA 工具、研發經費及人才培訓的投資,更是不遺餘力。 虹晶科技之研發團隊來自於國內外科技業高手,具有豐富的SoC設計及完整矽智財開發經驗。 為提供SoC全方位設計平台解決方案,虹晶科技與國際大廠安謀(ARM)進行合作,並取得多項技術授權,如:Cortex、ARM11、ARM9 等系列,持續強化核心處理器服務內容。 虹晶科技目前已跨入行動網路裝置設計服務,包括高階Mali以及ARM Mali-200與Mali-55等3D繪圖晶片以及藍芽(Bluetooth)與Wi-Fi網路解決方案、USB 2.0 OTG的IP一應俱全。 除此之外,在後段量產服務(Turnkey Service)方面, 虹晶整合GLOBALFOUNDRIES高階製程及一線封測大廠的產能, 提供最佳的一站式服務(One-Stop Shop Service), 讓客戶可以從規格、設計、驗證、試產、到量產(Spec. to Silicon)獲得最完整的解決方案。

Founded in 2001, Socle Technology Corporation has been the world’s most leading-edge provider of SoC (System on Chip) design and implementation services since. Socle is most recognized in building up more complicated SoC design technology in advanced process nodes 40nm, 28nm and beyond. ARM-embedded and ultra-deep submicron SoC solutions and services are Socle’s specialties as well. Since 2004 Socle has been the ARM Cortex™ MPCore™ processors, ARM® Mali™, ARM11MP-S®, ARM1176-S®, ARM926EJ-S® and ARM7EJ-S® source licensee of ARM Limited and provides ARM SoC total solutions to meet customer application needs in MID, multimedia handheld communication, integrated connection, consumer, and storage matters. Socle’s proprietary SoC design platforms, SoC-ImP® and μPlatform®, enable superior reliability and predictability for customer’s SoC design. In order to provide the best design service with the one-stop-shop convenience, Socle works closely with world-class partners from foundries, assembly and testing, EDA, IP and other others. With integrated leading-edge semiconductor technologies, Socle is able to help the customers to overcome the obstacles in ultra-deep submicron SoC design and enables faster time-to-market. Socle has a track record in a wide range of markets, from computer and consumer electronics to communications products, with customer base throughout Asia Pacific and North America. Socle’s engineering talents, possessing vast experiences in SoC design, are fully dedicated to technology development, design, and system applications. Customers are able to leverage Socle’s superior engineering workforce to complete the SoC designs with highest performance, most competitive costs, and in a most time-efficient way. Socle's mature design platform solutions and professional design services will substantially increase customer's silicon success and competitiveness of ARM based SoC and complex SoC designs. The headquarters of Socle is located in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. Other two branches are located respectively in Shanghai, China.



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