We would like to thank you for your interest in our products. Since 1986 we are the seller of electrical & electronic components. In 1991, our factory was established and we are the manufacturer of the automatic control parts such as wire with plugsˋminiature float liquid level switchesˋminiature pressure switchesˋpressure transmitters--etc.
During the past time we have a longterm technical experience with switches in this field and have developed numerous items for special requirements of our customers.
Our products have a wide range of applications in various installations and automatic management systems. The range includes switches to monitor and control pressureˋtemperatureˋflow and level of liquids or fluids such as water, air, oil etc.
If you should not find a suitable components in our program, please do not hesitate to contact us for further details and other products. Just the same if you are looking for an agent in Taiwan to sell your products, to a mutual and beneficial relationship for both our companies please also contact us.