Jeesoon Terminals Co.,Ltd.
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About Company

公司簡介 集勝公司設立於1995年,以JS合成設計成商標創立自有品牌行銷全球,其主要專業於端子、連接器及各種配線器材零件之設計、研發、製造與行銷,由早期生產一般性的端子產品,一直到今天集勝公司開發了相當多元之系列性的高階端子及連接器以提供廣大的客戶群,不斷的開發新產品,創新產品價值一直是集勝的經營原則,市場導向,客戶至上,以品質、服務、誠信、責任之一貫理念,廣受全球客戶讚譽及肯定。 品質管理-ISO9001/UL認證 追求卓越的品質,一直是集勝公司宏觀全球市場的政策指標。為提供予客戶安心與滿意的產品,集勝採以高品質政策,經由合理化、標準化之製程管制及嚴密的品質控管制度,建立了有系統性之品質管理系統,使我們的產品符合國際標準,並且得到國際的認同與肯定,如: 取得ISO 9000品質保証系統認認、取得UL、CSA美、加國家電器安全認証。 能力/設備 在專業技術的領域裡,集勝擁有創新且專業的研發團隊,每年皆有新開發模具約24組,其新產品的研發,由一般的設計、開發、製造工程,到產品量產化所需的模、治具以及組裝用的自動化組立裝配設備等;集勝的專業技術工程師均能快速製造,交付生產線量化生產,故能快速提供顧客良好的產品,亦讓集勝擁有生產多樣化新產品之能力。 公司沿革 1995 設立集勝端子股份有限公司,資本額NTD 21,000,000。 1998 因應歐洲市場需求導入ISO 9000品質保証系統。 為應付訂單數量快速成長,擴建新廠房,新增生產設備。 榮獲巴基斯坦國家品質優等獎。 1999 榮獲ISO 9002通過授証。 2000 榮獲UL美國國家電器安全驗証証明。 國際化經營成效展現、訂單需求呈倍數成長。 2002 提高資本額達 NTD 63,000,000。 榮獲ISO 9001改版通過授証。 2003 導入ERP企業整合系統。 強化設計研發能力購入3D模組開發系統。 落實品質控管改善品保管制能力增購品質檢測儀器及設備。 2004 提高產品市場價值大量投入研發資源開發多元的射出成型類產品。 2005 因應組織能力、效率提升及應付廠房空間之需求,取得工業用土地面積1,200坪,做為新建廠基地。 2006 新廠建設完成並整合廠辦合一工作。 提高資本額達 NTD 1.26億。 2007 應付未來資訊應用需求之提高,引入Citrix 系統,並重新架構軟、硬體設施,以及資訊安全網。 委任智輔管理顧問公司協助廠務部進行生產改造和制訂績效管理制度,並且引入(FMEA)失效模式分析,以提升研發及生產工作之順利。

GENERAL INFORMATION Jeesoon Terminals Co., Ltd is a leading manufacturer and supplier specialized in terminals and connectors. We have been providing excellent services and quality electrical terminals and connectors to the world for nearly two decades. The vast range of our productions, excellent quality, and competitive price has made us one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in Taiwan. Jeesoon has brought excellent quality and low price to a perfect balance. Currently, Jeesoon Terminals has increased its production capability. Quality control standards are being raised and improved to meet the growing international demands. We have greatly expanded our market year by year to where we now have satisfied customers all over the world. QUALITY CONTROL-ISO 9001/UL Certification Most of our products are ISO 9001certified or UL listed. To ensure the quality of our products, strict quality controls are implemented on every level of our production line. Drawing examination, Material quality control, production control, shipment control, final product quality control and efficient stock management ensures the satisfaction of our customers. CAPABILITIES/EQUIPMENT Jeesoon Terminals is also specialized in producing newly design terminals, everything down to the basic product design, mould design to re-engineered machinery. We are highly experienced in creating and modifying equipment for special new products. Our relentless effort has maximized our efficiency and production capabilities. BACKGROUND/ HISTORY 1995 Jeesoon Terminals Co., Ltd established 1998 ISO 9000 certified 1999 ISO 9002 certified, capital had increased to 1.4 million USD 2000 UL listed 2002 ISO 9001 certified, capital had increased to 2.1 million USD 2003 ROHS standard certified 2004 CUL listed 2005 capital had increased to 3.15 million USD 2006 New headquarter completed 2007 Capital had increased to 4 million USD



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