Honyi Group
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About Company

宏易由陳五常先生於1984年創建,當時主要業務鎖定在高品質射出成型模具的出口市場,因為他深深體認到最高水準的品質、準時交貨、專業製程管理、及良好的溝通技巧才是優質企業的關鍵成功因素,所以在公司成立初期,他堅持採用頂級設備和儀器,聘用業界傑出人才,藉此奠定績優品質與專業服務的基礎,終而創造今日令人刮目相看的優異成績。 宏易的服務範圍涵蓋家電、電子、汽車、及消費性產品,在射出成型模具業界建立非常成功的典範,累積了十五年以上的成功經驗;接著,董事長陳五常先生決定領導公司往上市的目標發展。2001年,以宏易精密工業之名正式在台灣股票市場交易,2002年,宏易集團在中國蘇州增設子公司威鉅電腦(Elitek),擴大提供一站式的製造服務。 企業文化 宏易擁有創新、優質、整合等傲人的企業文化,配合我們對客戶服務的堅持,因而在模具製造、射出成型、及機殼製造等服務項目,創造出宏易特有的核心競爭優勢。 一站式服務 目前,宏易提供一站式解決服務,不論是家電或電子產業的模具與相關工具製造,到射出成型、模具修補、和組立裝配,我們都提供完整的供應鏈管理。全公司1200名員工,眾志成城,全心為董事長陳五常先生1984年創造的核心價值而努力。 未來展望 宏易集團體認到,靈活彈性才能順應不斷變遷的市場情勢,因此,我們不斷更新、擴大、再縮編,以充分配合現今市場持續變動的需求,隨時準備迎接未來的成功機運。所以,我們不斷改良工業設計、機構設計、及電子/電機設計的能力,以確實提供客戶從今而後所需之全方位解決服務。我們的進階式訂單管理系統和專案管理系統亦已上線,隨時可以配合客戶的不同需求提供服務,與客戶共創佳績。 我們有信心,您的需求交給我們就能滿足。

Honyi was founded on 1984 by Michael Chen. His business plan was to build high quality plastic injection molds for the export market. Knowing that the highest standards of quality, delivery performance, expert program management and communication skills would be key elements of this strategy, Michael started the company with the best equipment, facilities and quality personnel to insure that his passion for outstanding quality and customer service were cornerstones of the company from the beginning and continues today. After more than 15 years of successfully serving the plastic injection mold industry for the appliance, electronic, automotive and consumer products markets, Michael Chen decided to take the company public. In 2001, Honyi Precision Industry Co. Ltd. began trading on the Taiwan Stock Market. In 2002, Honyi Group added Elitek, a full service contract manufacturing facility in Suzhou China. Enterprise Culture Our corporate culture of innovation, quality and integration serving the mold, molding, and enclosure manufacturing services along with our obsession for outstanding customer service is our core competitive advantage. Total Solution Service Our current business model of providing total solution service from mold and related tooling manufacturing, to molding, decorating, and assembly, complete with supply chain management is serving the electronics and appliance industries. We currently have 1200 dedicated and energized employees committed to the core values that Michael Chen established in 1984. Futures & Missions Honyi Group realizes that in order to succeed, we must be flexible and able to adapt to constantly changing conditions in the market. For this reason, we are continuously changing, expanding and contracting as needed to succeed in today's constantly changing markets as well as preparing for the opportunities that are offered tomorrow. It is for this reason that we are constantly preparing our Industrial Design, Mechanical Design and Electronic/Electrical Design capabilities to insure we can meet our customers total solution needs for today and into the future. Our advanced Order Managements systems and Program Management Systems are ready to serve our customer's constantly changing needs. We are confident that we are able to meet your needs as well.



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