Allis Electric Co., Ltd.
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About Company

亞力電機股份有限公司成立於民國57年9月25日, 初期生產低電壓配電盤, 馬達控制中心, 高低壓綜合起動盤, 交直流工業控制設備及輸配電線路用配件. 之後成立生產變壓器, 開關器材和電力電子產品之部門, 提供台電,中油, 電信局, 和其他知名公民營事業機構所需之重電機產品. 目前楊梅廠生產高低壓配電盤及各式變壓器,新莊廠則負責輸配電器材和電力電子產品之生產. 經不斷在技術和品質上加以提昇, 使本公司成為一綜合重電機製造廠商. 為擴展營運規模, 本公司於民國83年股票上市, 一方面進行重電機相關產品之投資, 使重電機本業穩定成長, 另一方面亦朝通訊及高科技等產業發展, 加強企業策略聯盟,為因應未來市場之成長需求, 本公司持續加強產品研發, 除了重電機本業的技術更新與產品改良外, 並積極朝向電力監控領域及電力電子產品研發方向邁進, 講求企業永續經營, 期望亞力電機公司成為一流的跨國性企業集團.

Founded on September 25, 1968, Allis Electric Co., Ltd. started by producing low-voltage switchgear, motor control centers, high/low-voltage integrated start-up panels, AC/DC industrial control equipment and transmission & distribution apparatus. Its steady operations led to the development of independent departments which produce transformers, switching devices and electronic products. Our products are designed to meet the requirements of renowned corporations around the world, such as Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, Toshiba, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, etc. A successful public offering in 1994 has allowed Allis Electric to continue its steady growth and to venture into the telecommunications and high-tech industries. Its solutions now span IT, Telecommunication, Industry, Wireless, Utility, and Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition(SCADA). Besides, Allis does not limit itself in Taiwan. Being competitive in the global market is how Allis does business. Through investments, joint ventures, establishment of overseas offices in Europe, USA, and China, Allis Electric continues to develop strategic business alliance to strive for excellence as a multinational business group. With confidence delivered through more than 36 years of solid performance and in-depth knowledge, Allis will continuously work upon its core competencies to be ever more customer-oriented and create values for its stakeholders.



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