Sunflex Tech Co., Ltd.
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About Company

旭軟電子科技股份有限公司成立於1998年10月, 是一家從事專業生產與銷售軟式印刷電路板 (FPC ) 。  本公司秉持「品質第一、顧客至上」的一貫原則,持續致力於技術研發與製程改善,先後取得ISO-9000與UL等國際認証,並建立起完善的品質系統,確保產品品質符合客戶需求;同時也不斷提昇客戶服務水準,分別在新加坡、韓國、中國大陸等世界各地設立工廠/營業據點,使客戶就近得到最好的服務,同時掌握客戶對產品設計、製造、品質等各種需求與未來產品發展趨勢,成為與客戶共同發展的最佳合作夥伴。  在面對未來國際間激烈的競爭,本公司以創新、積極、落實的經營理念,努力擴展事業,導入新技術及提昇生產效率,透過全面品質管理及對每一件工作的持續改善,提供顧客最滿意之產品及服務,實現與全球電子業廠商共同成長的願景。 環境政策 1.符合環保法規,支持環境保護。 2.強化教育訓練,明瞭環保責任。 3.持續降低污染,達到減廢工作。 4.有效利用資源,落實資源回收。

Our company adheres to the principle of "quality first, customer first". We continuously focus on technology research and development as well as improving manufacturing process. We had been achieved international certificates including ISO-9001, ISO-14001, TS-16949 and UL. Not only we have a well-established quality control system to ensure the quality of our products complied with customer requirements but also continuously raise customer service standards at the same time. We have factories and sales locations in Singapore, mainland China such as Shenzhen and Suzhou. We will set up other service locations according to our customer demands in near future so as to provide the best service to our customers. On the other hand, we fulfill various requirements of our customers in term of product design, manufacturing, quality control and product development trends and become the best partner with our customers. In the rising and competitive industry of FPC, Sunflex maintains its business philosophy of quality, innovation and professionalism. Sunflex intends to expand its business by advancing into new technology and improving its production efficiency via quality management. It aims at satisfying its customers with the results of a continual improvement to its products and services. Sunflex focuses on the FPC industry through it’s short, medium and long term strategies which include: marketing, production and product development. It also concentrates on market planning in terms of where it is on a business scale as well as an analysis of it’s financial positioning. This in turn will assist its growth within the global electronics industry



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