Linkan Asia Co.
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About Company

林肯亞太公司是專業的 Actuator 製造商。 研發團隊具備電機、電子、機械等專業背景,學有專精,結合理論與實務,致力於自動控制系統的研發與製造。如線性致動器、控制器、操作器、升降機等產品。 為了提升人們的生活品質與價值 , 我們不間斷的開發新產品, 以滿足客戶的需求 。 我們的產品最早是被應用在醫療復健領域,例如電動病床、牙科椅、病人移位架...等。發展至今,更是被廣泛的應用在居家、工作及休閒運動領域。 對於品質,我們專注完美,近乎苛求。 對於服務,我們夙夜匪懈,始終如一。 對於未來,我們創新卓越,領導品牌。 林肯亞太將與您共創生活的品質與價值。

Linkan Asia Co. is a prominent Actuator manufacturer. Our R&D teams have years of professional experience in electronics, electrical engineering, and mechanical knowledge. Combining theory with practical experience in our profession, we have devoted our attentions to the design, development and manufacture of the automatic control systems like linear actuators, control boxes, controllers, lifting columns, and well as many other products. We are always developing new products with our customer’s current and future needs and wants in mind. Our motorized hospital beds, dental chairs and the patient moving rack were first utilized in medical rehabilitation facilities but now our products are enjoyed in the ordinary household as well as in offices and recreational sports areas. We maintain very strict quality standards for our products; our after-sale services are impeccable and consistent. Our expertise in renovation, excellence and leadership in the industry is guaranteed at Linkan Asia Co. We want to help you achieve a higher standard of living.



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