CKT Tek Co., Ltd.
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About Company

神興科技股份有限公司創立於1976年,專業從事於各類矽橡膠產品的生產與銷售,為拓展公司長期發展及永續經營,業務型態由OEM代工廠轉型至ODM及商品市場,以謀求公司最大利益及員工最大福利創造雙贏。多年的矽橡膠製造經驗,使得神興科技不斷累積專業技術力求突破而成長茁壯,提供客戶各式各樣且具附加價值的問題解決方案,深獲客戶認同與信賴。 為加強產品多元化的服務策略,朝全面性的的開發目標,特斥資擴大廠房,於1988年設原料廠,採購先進機器及設備,經由現代化整體生產體系,使品質達到一貫性、標準化。客戶服務為導向及市場競爭趨勢下,更於1997年及2000年於中國東莞及上海地區設有全製程之生產廠房,以穩定的產品品質及具競爭力之產品價格,迅捷的速度就近服務客戶,節省物流及人力成本,並且同步達到節能減碳的綠色環保目標。 在三十多年的歷程中,神興科技一直以-專業積極 研發創新 自律互信 關懷分享-為公司理念,為達到極致堅持做自己最擅長的事;以有限資源發揮最大的效益,讓客戶 廠商及公司三方都能互惠。

CKT Tek Co., Ltd. was founded in 1976, specializing in the production and sale of various types of Rubber products and Rubber rollers, to expand the company's long-term development and sustainability, the business type from the OEM foundry transition to ODM and commodity markets, to seek the best interests of both parties to create a win-win situation. Years of silicone rubber manufacturing experience, makes CKT Tek accumulating professional technology to break through and thrive, and provide customers with a wide variety and value-added problem solving program, receiving recognition and trust of customers. In order to strengthen the service strategy of diversification of products, towards the comprehensive development goals, special finance the expansion of the plant, raw materials factory was established in 1988, procurement of advanced machinery and equipment, through the modernization of the overall production system, so that the quality of consistency and standardization. Customer service-oriented and market competition trends in Dongguan, China and Shanghai in 1997 and 2000 with the whole process of production plants, stable product quality and competitive price, fast speed to the nearest customer service save logistics and labor costs, and synchronized to achieve the green goals of carbon reduction. In the 30 years of history, CKT Tek Co., Ltd has been self-discipline - professional active R & D and innovation, mutual trust, care to share - for the company philosophy, the ultimate insist on doing the things they do best; to maximize the effectiveness of limited resources. Allowing the customers, vendors and the company all three parties to reciprocate successfully.



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