FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
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arrow Tapped Monitoring Detectors
  Tapped Monitoring Detectors
arrow Dual Window Wideband Coupler
  Dual Window Wideband Coupler
arrow Multi-Fiber Fan-Out Pigtails/Patchcords
  Multi-Fiber Fan-Out Pigtails/Patchcords
arrow 100 GHz Dense WDMS
  100 GHz Dense WDMS
arrow Fixed Adaptor Type Attenuators
  Fixed Adaptor Type Attenuators

About Company

上詮 光纖通信股份有限公司(FOCI)成立於1995年,主要從事於光纖通信產業相關產品之研究開發與製造生產,也是國內首家投入光纖熔燒(FBT)及平面光波導(PLC)相關產品研製的公司。公司技術主要來自工業技術研究院光電所之核心團隊,目前為國內光纖元件技術領先的領導廠家之一。 上詮從事光纖被動元件設計、製造、及OEM/ODM全系列產品,包括光纖連接器/轉接頭、光纖跳接線/引線、光分歧器、光衰減器、波長多工器、薄膜濾鏡式通道波長多工器及平面光波導器件等領域產品,並率先業界投入Light peak等新世代產品開發。此外,上詮亦設計、生產和銷售高品質的光纖元件整合模組,以滿足顧客的需求,擴大現今通訊網路服務。 對於產品的產能及品質上,除現有產品應用外,上詮公司更以鍥而不捨的精神,持續不斷地研發與提昇技術能力,以符合目前光纖到戶、及雲端應用等高品質、高速傳輸之要求。上詮藉由全球化的佈局(即台灣設計、中國生產製造、全球行銷體系),冀以提供高品質及具成本競爭優勢之產品及服務,與客戶端創造雙贏之合作關係。

FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc. was established in 1995. The company was founded by a core team of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) which is the most prestigious institute in Taiwan.FOCI is recognized as a pioneer in fiber optic interconnect, FBT (Fused Biconic Taper), and PLC (Planar Lightwave Circuit) technology development in Taiwan. We design, manufacture and market a broad range of high performance fiber optic components and integrated modules including fiber optic coupler, PLC splitter, thin film coarse WDM, dense WDM, multi-fiber cable assembly module, etc. that increase the bandwidth and flexibility of today’s communication networks. In addition to fiber to the home (FTTH) application, FOCI has developed new high-speed optical cable products under Light peak technology to bring fiber to the desk applications into practice. Our products make it easier for our customers to innovate, compete and continue to drive down the cost of optical communication hardware worldwide, and to deliver optical networking systems to the rapidly growing long-haul, metropolitan and last-mile access segments of the communication networks. We have the resources, innovative technology and industry expertise to meet the growing needs of customers around the corner and around the world.In viewing Fiber to the home (FTTH) and Cloud Computing has become a reality as well as growing rapidly for recent years, FOCI has provided most efficient and cost effective volume manufacturing optical modules to fit your configuration design. All our products feature excellent optical performance and pass strict reliability tests and have been widely deployed in broadband networks around the world.



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