介面光電成立於2001年,總部設立於桃園市中壢區中壢工業區,是薄膜觸控面板(電阻式,電容式和 50 micron metal mesh)之專業廠商,提供1.6吋~23吋觸控面板之整合性解決方案。
目前客戶結構涵蓋台系、日系、歐系及中國大陸各品牌大廠,營收以電容式觸控面板產品為主。本公司在2013年成功發表獨步全球之低電阻金屬網格觸控面板Metal Mesh,為觸控面板發展寫下新歷史。
JTOUCH was founded in 2001, headquartered in Taoyuan, Zhongli, specifically design and manufacture for film type touch panel (resistive, capacitive, and 50um thin film metal mesh touch panel), providing 1.6-inch to 23-inch touch panel total solution.
Our products are widly used in communications (mobile phone), consumer electronics (Tablet PC, MP3 players, digital cameras) and niche products (Airbus first class entertainment system, copy machine, ATM).
The customer base of JTOUCH includes Taiwan, Japan and China brand name customers. Main revenue comes from capacitive type touch panel. JTOUCH made a new milestone in TOUCH PANEL industry in 2013, based on our metal mesh solution, which is the highest technical and leading of the world.