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穿越時間的縱軸,臺鹽從單純的鹽品專賣,陸續跨足鹽、水、保養、保健、清潔用品以及鹽雕六大類產品,今日的臺鹽,已從傳統鹽業國營,轉型成深耕海洋科技的民營公司。鹽田白金歲月傳承一甲子後,玉透晶瑩的食用精鹽昇華成時下最夯的鹽雕白菜文創產品,臺鹽備受讚譽卻不以為滿,仍將懷抱理想,再創佳績。 從阡陌縱橫的傳統鹽灘到試管林立的無塵實驗室,臺鹽起始於民國41年3月成立「台灣製鹽總廠」, 隨時空背景演進,臺鹽於84年7月正式改制為股份有限公司,并於民國92年民營化。臺鹽實業漸次跨越傳統藩籬,讓鹽不僅是鹽,臺鹽也從鹽業公司轉成國內深耕海洋科技的領導廠商。 臺鹽堅強的菁英團隊,將鹽的用途發揮至極致,臺鹽也從傳統鹽業跨足生技產業,逐次邁入包裝飲用水、清潔用品、保養品、保健品、鹽雕文創門檻。臺鹽陪伴台灣社會成長,每一歷程都是臺灣鹽業最真實的歷史進程。臺鹽在飛逝的一甲子歲月曾留下輝煌的註記,脫胎換骨的過程中獲獎無數,屢獲國內外產官學界讚嘆,驚嘆過後則是更深切的期許。 展望未來,臺鹽將持續提升研發能量、強化產品競爭力、積極拓展通路經營,秉持「專業、創新、效率」的企業精神,以「兩岸三地健康、美麗的好鄰居」為企業願景,冀望將國人的驕傲「臺鹽」品牌拓展至全球,立足台灣、放眼大陸、行銷全世界。

Tayen is recognized as 「A Good Neighbor in Health and Beauty across the Taiwan Strait Hong Kong and Macau」 Over the past 60 years, TAIYEN has developed from a government-run monopoly salt company into a modern private enterprise with a wide product range spanning six major areas: salt products, bottled water products, skincare & cosmetics, health & dietary supplements, facial and body cleansers, and salt sculptures. With a firm focus on marine technology and biotech, we enter the coming six decades in the knowledge that we are taking "white gold," our traditional core product, to the next level of sophistication and application. Having received much recognition for our creative & cultural products, such as our salt sculptures, we are not complacent, but continue to push for innovation and fresh success. From vast solar salt fields to high-tech equipments filled laboratory and clean rooms. TAIYEN looks back on a proud corporate history. Established as the Taiwan Salt Works in March 1952, we have always changed with the times, staying ahead of developments. In July 1995, TAIYEN became a limited company, which was privatized by 2003. Constantly expanding into new sectors and applications, we are now one of Taiwan's leaders not just in salt, cosmetic and health products, but also in marine science technology. With our professional team of top-notch researchers and experts, we have exploited an amazing range of uses for salt and ventured from traditional, salt business into new biotechnology areas, such as packaged drinking water, personal cleaning, beauty & skincare and health food, and salt sculptures. We have always grown together with the people of Taiwan, and our progress remains closely connected with people's lives and needs. Our first six decades were filled with breakthroughs and records, and our innovative drive and reliable products have earned TAIYEN countless honors and awards, as well as the acknowledgment of industry and academia, both in Taiwan and abroad. For us, this only serves as powerful motivation to keep aspiring to the highest standards.



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