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世界的中日合成 品質、技術、服務,業界第一 中日合成化學係國內首創界面活性劑專業製造商,由日本三共株式會社與國內的中國化學製藥及大勝化學工業公司於1970年集資成立,鑑於多種界面活性劑的供不應求,1982年投入鉅資在高雄林園石化工業區擴建EOD合成工廠,專業製造界面活性劑。 本公司是專門製造日常生活或工業應用上不可或缺的原料──界面活性劑,用途非常廣泛,舉凡纖維/紙漿/合成橡膠/合成樹脂工業和農藥工業、食品工業、化妝品工業、金屬工業、土木建築業、畜牧業、皮革等工業的運用上均需利用到。以家庭用品為例:像衣著、廚房用洗劑、去污粉及其它洗劑等,都必須仰賴界面活性劑,才能完成其洗淨、去污的實際功能。 我們的產品大致可分為非離子型、陰離子型、陽離子型、兩性離子型、配合型,以及聚乙二醇、聚丙二醇和乙二醇醚等八大類。為迎合市場的需要和提升競爭力,於1991年增資設立乙二醇醚製造設備,生產高沸點的特殊溶劑。更於2005年擴增產能及提升技術水平,將原先的工業級製品延伸至電子級產品,滿足業界多樣化與高層次需求。 為追求品質的穩定,於林園工廠內將生產設備陸續導入自動控制系統,分別於1997年取得ISO-9002製程品保體系驗證,以及2000年取得ISO-9001品質管理系統驗證。另於2006年取得ISO-14001環境管理系統以及2007年取得OHSAS-18001職業安全衛生管理系統二項驗證。這些都是本公司為了充分掌握客戶需求,透過品質管理系統持續改進的具體承諾和實踐,以致力提升客戶滿意度為標的。更於2005年起,積極朝向工廠環境保護、生產減廢以及節約能源等活動展開,盡到友善環境及社會照顧責任。 com_taipai 鑑於技術革新為製造業永續經營之本,本公司早先即改建技術大樓,完成分析室及應用研究室規劃。並購置新式的精密儀器以及完整的圖書資訊設備,供許多優秀的研究人員進行研究發展與培育相關人才之用。在產品的品質方面,我們也努力往對人體溫和、無刺激性、對自然生態環境無害的方向設計開發新產品,以符合客戶需要與世界潮流。在供貨服務方面,我們不僅提高產能並加強出貨人員與業務人員的專業訓練,期望能穩定又快速的供貨給客戶。更為求滿足客戶特殊需求的新產品開發,深入與客戶結合,雙方進行共同開發的方案,努力達成客戶所需的特製化開發。 總之,本公司當結合各部門一流的人才,整合公司內外資源,期許以最佳的服務效率,為顧客創造價值而努力。2008年株式會社日本觸媒成為公司最大股東,在卓越的經營下,使公司在安全防護、環境保護以及內部控制等環節均能達到世界水準,使「台灣的中日合成成為世界的中日合成」。

Sino-Japan Chemical on the World Stage Quality, Technology, Services, Best in the Surfactant Industry Sino-Japan Chemical is the first surfactant manufacturer in Taiwan and is a joint venture established in 1970 by Sankyo Co., Ltd., China Chemical and Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. and Great Victory Chemical Industry Co. Ltd. Since the deficiency of local supply of variety of surfactants, the company in 1982 invested heavily to build up the EOD plant at Kaohsiung Linyuan Petrochemical Industrial Park. Our company is specialized in manufacturing the essential raw materials for industrial and institutional applications – the surfactant, which is widely used in all industries such as textile fiber, paper pulp, synthetic rubber, synthetic resin, agrochemical,food industry, cosmetics, metal, construction, livestock farming and leather. For example, the household products used for laundry and dishwashing detergents rely on surfactants to work effectively. Our products are generally divided into eight categories: non-ionic, anionic, cationic, amphoteric, formulated, polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol and glycol ethers. To meet the market demand and enhance the competitiveness, in 1991 the company had a capital increase to set up the manufacturing equipment of glycol ethers to produce specific high boiling point solvent. The production capacity was further expanded in 2005 along with the upgrade of the technology, to broaden the product lines from industrial-grade to electronic-grade, as well as to meet diversified market demands and high-level requirement. In the pursuit of quality, the Linyuan plant continually lead in the automatic control system. In 1997, we obtained the certification of the ISO-9002 process quality management system and again in 2000 obtained the certification of the ISO-9001 quality management system. In addition, we also obtained the certification of the ISO-14001 environmental management system in 2006, and the certification of the OHSAS-18001 occupational health and safety management system in 2007. To hold on to customer needs, these are the commitment and fulfillment of continuous improvement we have made to customers through the quality management systems. We are dedicated to the goal of improving customer satisfaction. Since 2005, we have focused on the factory environmental protection, and initiated the activities of waste reduction and energy conservation, and showed our concern to the friendly environment and corporate social responsibility. com_taipai Knowing that technological innovation is the foundation for a manufacturer to maintain its sustainable management, in 2002 the company renovated the Technical & Q.C. Building, integrating synthesis, analysis, and application research laboratories. Many new precision instruments were installed, and a research library was completed for our outstanding researchers to develop products and nurture talents. On the product quality, we design and develop new products that are mild to human skin, and are harmless to the ecological environment, so as to get in line with the world trend and to meet the anticipation of customers. On the delivery services, we increase our productivity and strengthen the professional training of logistic and sales staffs, in an effort to reach a fast delivery service for customers. To further meet specific needs of new product development, we also make in-depth collaborations with customers for joint development projects so as to provide customization service. On the whole, the company link up the excellent employees in every department and integrate the internal resources to provide the best service and highest efficiency to create values for customers. In 2008, Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd. became the largest shareholder of the company, and under its excellent business operations, we have reached the international standards in the field of corporate security and safety, environmental protection, and internal control. We expect to shape up the vision of “Positioning Ourselves As a World Leading Supplier.



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