Sun Energy Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
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arrow 太陽能警示燈
arrow GPS Sync Solar Warning Blinker
  GPS Sync Solar Warning Blinker
arrow 太陽能模組
arrow 360度太陽能閃光標記
arrow 太陽能道路標記

About Company

日光能光電股份有限公司成立於西元1999年,成立之初即與工業研究院合作開發及生產太陽能光電相關產品,目前太陽能模組之封裝技術及品質已達國際水準。日光能光電股份有限公司並將太陽能之運用延伸到交通安全設施之相關產品,目前已有多項太陽能交通安全用品開發完成,經行銷於世界各地廣獲國際好評。 除台灣市場之外,日光能光電股份有限公司於在2001年取得國際ISO 9001認證後,積極拓展國外市場,目前行銷網遍佈全球,包括美國、南非、越南、中國、印度、泰國、沙烏地阿拉伯、澳洲及南美洲各國等。 近年來太陽能交通安全用品製造商如雨後春筍,百家爭鳴。產品品質也因削價競爭而良莠不齊。為提昇產品品質及功能,於2012年3月另成立”大日光能源科技有限公司”負責技術改進及研發。目前已成功發展GPS同步系統,並將其運用在道路標誌及警示燈上,進一步提升產品的功能性及應用領域。 一直以來我們秉持"求善、求新"的公司理念。對產品品質的要求及技術的提升是一貫不變的原則,而與時俱進的觀念讓我們持續不斷的創新產品以迎合世界的潮流。在"求善、求新"的理念下,展望未來我們有信心也有責任讓自己、我們的客戶及我們的伙伴們能更新、更好。

Sun Energy Photoelectric Co., Ltd. was established in 1999, at the beginning of the establishment, we immediately cooperate with Industrial Technology Research Institute for development and production of solar photovoltaic products. Our solar module packaging technology and quality has reached international standards and we extend the uses of solar energy on traffic safety related products. We have completed many solar products and export worldwide, have won good appraisal from our customers. . In addition to the Taiwan market, Sun Energy Photoelectric Co., Ltd. has achieved ISO 9001 certification in 2001, and actively expand foreign markets all over the world, including the United States, South Africa, Vietnam, China, India, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, Australia, and South American countries. In recent years, solar traffic safety suppliers flooded the solar market. Due to price competition, the product quality had declined. In view of the situation, Taiwan Sun Energy Photoelectric had renamed to Union Solar Energy Co., Ltd. in March 2012 and is responsible for technology improvement and R & D to improve product quality and functionality. GPS synchronization system has been successfully developed and used in road signs and warning lights right after the establishment and further enhance the functionality of the product and application.   We uphold “improvement” and “Innovation” concepts. Requirements of quality and enhance product quality are always our principles. With “Improvement” and “Innovation” concepts, we continue to improve our products to meet the trend of the world. Looking into the future, we are confident and our responsibility to continue provide quality products to our customers and partners. Join hand in hand to provide our next generation a better place to live in.



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