Mucheng Co., Ltd.
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About Company

睦成工業有限公司成立於1991年 十二月,專業的製模沖壓生產廠商(模具製造,電子零件,五金製品,馬達零件,OEM,電腦零件,汽車零件),睦成工業深深了解顧客滿意的重要性一直以來,睦成工業都一直要求自己,不只是好,還要更好,除了精準的生產技術,準確的交貨時程,滿足客戶需求外,我們會更要求自己做到超越客戶的期待,提升新的技術,培養新的人才,準時,高品質是客戶和睦成成功的重要要素一,數以百計的設計、製造、讓我們可以一直進步,傾聽客戶的聲音,良好的品質是睦成成長的動力。 我們公司主要產品如下: 1. 五金零件 2. 模具製造 3. 路由器外殼 4. 馬達外殼 5. 汽車零配件 6. 燈具外殼 7. 通訊設備外殼 8. 電子零件(非被動元件) 9. LED, LCD電視板金 ISO及其它安全/品質認證:ISO 9001:2008

Mucheng Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in December, 1991. The company is dedicated to mold manufacturing and knows well the importance of customer satisfaction. Mucheng asks not only good but always better. In addition to precise production, on time delivery and customer satisfaction, we will ask ourselves to exceed the customer expectation, improve new technologies and develop new talents. On time, high quality is one of keys for successful customer relationship. Hundreds of designs and processes drive us for ongoing progress. Listening to voices of customers and good quality are power for Mucheng's growth Our company mainly produces the following: 1. Hardware parts. 2. Mold design. 3. Router shell. 4. Power shell. 5. Car parts. 6. Lamp shell. 7. Network equipment shell. 8. Electronic parts 9. Television sheet metal. ISO and other safety/ quality verification: ISO 9001:2008



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