Hergy Lighting Technology Corp.
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arrow LED照明模組(長方形)
arrow 1模組LED泛光燈/投射燈/天井燈
arrow LED照明模組(圓形)
arrow LED MR16(GU5.3)
arrow LED 泛光燈/投射燈

About Company

合鉅光電於高功率LED燈具領域已有數年的產品開發經驗. 合鉅擁有散熱.光學.電子與機構之設計與製造能力並且已成功的提供全球客戶最專業與極佳的LED燈具開發與量產製造等服務. 所有合鉅的LED燈具於台灣設計與製造且符合安規.IP與ROHS規範. 另為了確保能持續提供客戶最高品質與高效能的LED燈具, 合鉅遵循了嚴密的產品開發流程與可靠的整合能力. 合鉅目前致力於提供燈具製造商.通路商.工程公司及承包商LED燈具客製化及ODM等服務. 主要開發的產品涵括各式LED室內以及室外燈具並且已被廣泛的應用於許多專案與場所. 透過與客戶長期合作的模式, 合鉅將持續的提供最具競爭力的產品來滿足市場需求並與客戶共創雙贏!

Hergy Lighting Technology Corp. has many years' experience in high power LED module/luminaire development. With thermal, optical, electrical and mechanical design and manufacture capabilities, Hergy has provided all kinds of professional and excellent LED module/luminaire development and production services to our valued customers worldwide. All Hergy's LED modules/luminaires are developed and made in Taiwan and are in comply with safety, IP and ROHS requirements. By following solid product development procedure and relying on reliable integration capabilities, Hergy can make sure to deliver the highest quality and performance LED module/luminaire to customers continuously. Besides, Hergy can provide LED module/luminaire placement proposal and optical simulation services to meet projects' requirements for customer satisfaction. Hergy now focus on providing custom LED module/luminaire design and ODM/OEM business for lamp manufacturers, system integrators, engineering companies and contractors for long term cooperation. Developed products include LED module/luminaire for both indoor and outdoor use such as LED streetlight, bay light, flood light, garage light, down light, spot light, work light, etc., which have been qualified and used in many projects and applications.



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