Taiwan Genlight Electro Optical Co., LTD.
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arrow SY821平板筒燈
arrow AR111-LED(13W)投射燈
arrow TGL-LEDE27燈球
arrow TGL120日光燈
arrow 5.0室內紅色字幕機(八個字)

About Company

本公司成立於2008年,專業研發、生產組裝及銷售代理LED相關應用商品主要分為主照明設備及輔助光源商品等二大類。 在輔助光源商品,我們將工廠設立於中國,將顯示屏模組、單元板的研發、生產、組裝、銷售和服務集為一體的台灣團隊,主要生產LED全彩屏、單雙色顯示幕、LED數碼管、LED燈條、LED穿孔字串燈、LED立體字燈箱背光模組和光園驅動控制器等產品並為客戶提供客製化產品設計和規畫服務。 在主照明設備上我們是代理銷售MIT的全系列LED照明商品如LED日光燈管及LED投射燈、LED燈泡、LED平板桶燈等節能省電產品。 在地球暖化日趨惡化的今日致力於研發省電,節能,效率高的產品是我們的目標和責任,提供用戶使用節能,效率高的產品讓我們的用戶享受實際的經濟獲益,也能進一步對保護地球盡一份心力。

Established in 2008, Taiwan Genlight Electro Opitical Co. LTD (TGL) is devoted to LED's development, production and export. The factory in China is in charge of the production and the assembling the LED display, LED digital tube and LED light tube. Besides, the offcie in Taiwan is working on a new way to better the production process for higher efficiency in production and better quality of the products, which enable us to meet clients' needs and ensure the quality of our products. We provide customized products and design, construction plan and after-sale service. In lighting equippment, we have the agency of all the MIT products, including LED light tube, LED projected light, LED light bulb, LED panel light as well as other energy-saving products. Energy-saving products help to prevent the global warming from getting worse.



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