Yurak International Trading Co .,Ltd.
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About Company

公司簡介 坤廣國際股份有限公司,創立於1992年專業經營塑膠原料,人造橡膠及各類彈性體公司設立於台灣台中市,成立20年來,秉持誠信與專業精神為客戶服務未來,期許能在市場上繼續與客戶共同開創利潤。 我司優勢 今日橡塑原料應用技術已相當發達純熟,市場亦相對競爭我司致力於為客戶提供良好品質,以及更競爭的價格,為客戶創造更大的價值。 品質 我司與固定配合工廠,研究開發穩定品質良好的原料以因應各種需求。 價格 以絕對的價格優勢,在微利時代裡提供您一個更好的選擇。

Company Profile Estabished in 1992, We Yurak International Trading Co., LTD provide services with profession and integrity. Our company has run business in plastic and synthetic rubber raw materials for more than 20years.In the future,we expect to make more profit and create higher valve with our customers. Our advantages Today's plastic and synthetic rubber industry is well-developed and the competition is also getting tougher.Our company is devoted to providing our customers with highest-quality products and more competivtive price. Quality Our company cooperates with certain factories to research and develop products with stable and premium quality to meet various needs from our customers. Price Our competitive price offers our customers a better choice under the era of meager profit.



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