Meicheng Audio Video Co., Ltd.
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arrow 無線導覽解說翻譯系統
arrow 特殊數位影音效果機
arrow 多媒體課程錄播一體機
arrow 全都錄HVR-6040H 高畫質影視錄放影機
arrow AV矩陣切換器

About Company

鎂成公司成立於1994年,經濟部工廠登記證編號:99-718886-00號 ,在從事多年的影音多媒體網路系統及視聽音響系統的規劃設計工作後,以「人文、科技、服務」為經營宗旨,逐漸累積了許多寶貴的技術及經驗,並廣邀各方面的專才,經過縝密的規劃及積極的努力,建立自己品牌【Meicheng】及客戶品牌並行作市場行銷。 專注於研發、SMT生產線製造產品研發製造廠,提供客戶多樣化且具競爭力的產品及國際化全方位銷售擴展海外市場。 品牌在海外A/V專業市場亦是品質的保證,深獲國際客戶的肯定。鎂成公司目前在國際上的自有品牌“Meicheng”代理商地區含括歐、美、亞、澳、非洲、中東等已超過二十個國家。 行銷產品項目: 數位語音產品:MP3數位語音導覽機、無線團體導覽機、無線口譯翻譯系統、數位廣播及錄音機。 影音媒體產品:虛擬攝影棚系列、影音AV.VGA矩陣切換器、全自動光碟燒錄機、數位多媒體錄放影機。 藝術影音媒體產品:3D立體壁畫壁燈無線喇叭、藝術個性化造型音響喇叭。 自動化產品:各式電腦液晶螢幕、電漿電視電動升降機、影音環境控制系統。

Our principle is based on “Customers, Technology, Service” to give our customers the best quality.  Meicheng was established in 1994 with the production of Audio & Video products. Our business specializes in audio / video equipment to fulfill the client’s needs of organizational and private sector. We continue to deliver professional yet affordable applications for our clients to explore their audio, video solutions. Over the years, we know that quality is the key to success. That why we just provide the best products of its kind available in the market.  To us, the customer services are as important as product quality, and our customers have good long-term relationship and high satisfaction with us. Therefore, we do our best to exceed customers expectations from the first moment until the products arrived and are finally used.  Meicheng is insisted on quality and customer service has granted its widespread recognition, and many customers such as Taiwan National Palace Museum, Central Trust of China, and the Ministry of National defense has received our services.



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