Amita Technologies Inc.
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arrow 鋰電池充電器
arrow 鋰高分子電池

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有量科技從2000年創立以來,在有30年電池研發經歷的創辦人-程敬義博-士帶領下,建立起台灣最完整的鋰電池研發團隊,有著超過一百人年的鋰電池技術經驗及完整的專利佈局。 在諸多關鍵材料配方的掌握,搭配政府的學界科專與法人科專的基礎材料研發,於民國95年至100年成功的執行3次業界科專,分別推出高功率錳酸鋰動力電池、長壽命磷酸鐵鋰動力電池、及含工研院STOBA專利的高能量高安全三元素鋰動力電池。成為應用工研院STOBA安全技術的領導業者,所生產的大型高能量動力電池領先國際。同時參與工研院、中科院、歐盟RISO的鋰電池研發聯盟及與國內外各著名大學合作,以銜接最先進的研究知識與技術,持續進行提高能量密度的研發,因應電動車、儲能、及3C電池未來增加電量的需求。 在生產製造技術的研發上,有量科技早在2000年就開風氣之先,以堆疊式鋁箔軟包裝做為動力電池的設計。成為臺灣鋰高分子電池芯(堆疊式鋁箔軟包裝)之技術領導業者,在產品安全性、品質均一性、空間利用效率等層面皆具領先地位。更發展搭配此產品設計的製程和專用自動化設備。從電極材料的改質、極板漿料分散和塗佈、電池元件結構設計、電池組構製程、到快速檢測與篩選技術,皆具高效率生產製造能力,電池成本及穩定性具高度市場競爭力,兼具有環保、節能特色,不僅作到溶劑完全回收再利用,更擴展至電池測試電力的回收再利用。是台灣唯一能自行設計高性能的自動化生產設備與作鋰電廠整廠輸出之廠商。 有量科技具電動車及儲能電池組的整合開發能力,與上下游廠商合作,提供系統客戶,在電池應用上的全套服務。有量科技在中小型動力電池組上,著重提供標準產品,如E-Bike及E-Scooter用的動力鋰電池組、及 30Wh~3KWh家用儲能系統。在大型電池組應用上,客製化新型產品、開拓新市場的策略夥伴:雲端運算UPS 、PHEV/BEV車用動力鋰電池組、智慧電網、再生能源大型儲能鋰電池組。 有量科技13年來,在鋰電池研發上,落實關鍵核心材料與技術自主化、產業平行整合和產品優質應用的願景;同時配合政府開發綠色能源科技的政策,厚植產業的研發與生產技術實力,構築產業整體資源體系,以增加台灣鋰電池產品的總體產值及促進相關產業的永續發展。

Amita Technologies is one of the leading Lithium-Ion Polymer battery manufacturers in Taiwan, which has been deeply committed to sustainable energy and environmentally responsible practices since its establishment in 2000. Amita Technologies is led by our founder, Dr. Jim Cherng who has over 20 years of experience in the battery industry. The other members of our team are all professionals with abundant experience in telecommunications, chemical engineering and battery industries and have graduate degrees from prominent domestic or U.S. universities. In the past, we have also brought in consultants from other countries to help us successfully set up our R&D, production, and sales infrastructure. As a result of the tireless effort and expertise of our team, Amita Tech. has successfully mastered the key technologies, components and equipment required to manufacture high performance Lithium Ion/Polymer batteries. We have obtained over 20 patents as well as UL 1642, ISO 9001:2000 and ISO/TS 16949:2009 certifications. Amita Tech. is one of the companies selected to co-develop STOBA with ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) which has won 2009 R&D 100 Award in enhancing the safety of lithium-ion batteries. Our polymer cells have low impedance, high current, long cycle life and are safe even in the event of overuse. Our batteries are used in data center UPS units, power banks, power tools, battery-powered vehicles and energy storage systems for household appliances, commercial or industrial facilities and smart grid. Amita Tech. develops its own specialized process and methods for cell design, pack design, the manufacturing process, and automation equipment. Furthermore, we work with our partner institutions and companies such as ITRI, Delta Electronics, and GP Electronics to develop and fine tune technologies for material development, electronics and automation, and battery logistics. With such an efficient and cost-competitive PDCA business model, Amita Tech. is able to develop specialized technology as well as unique product, providing our partners with benefits that neither Chinese labor intensive battery companies nor the Japanese & Korean companies can offer.



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