Energy Miracle technical company
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About Company

品颯科技實驗室成立於1995年, 投入光源研發、開發、從各式照明之 優點與缺點、特性、能源消耗、照明發熱 對地球所造成的的溫室效應, 提供發光效率更高、更舒適之光源為目的。

The missions of Energy Miracles are to develop the most efficient way of using energy in an environm entally friendly light, which is benevolent to people's health and is close to the natural light source the sun, which is the best quality of light for work. Our company specializes in producing in dustrial illuminati on equipment, an area not yet developed to work at energy saving levels b y other light companies. Energy Miracles endeavours to protect the global environment by lowering energy consumption in order to control the greenhouse effect. Our products combine the newest nano-phosphor, semiconductor and photo electron techniques and skills to produce the world's most powerful energy saving illumination system. Many aspects of this product are better than incandescence light and high intensity discharge light (HID light), which consists of sodium light, mercury light and metal halite light.



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