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1965年創立迄今,主要以排風設備抽風機、馬達零組件、工業用電扇等產物為主要銷售產品,對於產品品質與商品開發不斷的要求下,逐步拓展至海外市場,而其中又以工業用扇深受日本與美國肯定與喜愛。 2005年開始致力於研發內擺式循環扇主要功能,並在不斷的嘗試與挫折中獲取經驗,經歷了三年的研發期間終於在2008年研發出第一代內旋式循環扇並獲得美國認證的專利證書。 2010年第一代內旋式循環扇在台灣開始販售。隔年開始走向電視購物通路,並於當年首次獲得台北國際發明展金牌獎。電視購物通路播出後,深受大眾喜愛,於東森、森森、momo和viva購物等通路不斷壯大,讓大眾對內旋風扇的高度關注。不斷的創新改進後推出第二代風扇,並且連續三年榮獲台北國際發明展金牌獎,2012年參加中國舉辦崑山發明展榮獲金獎。 2013年新型海鷗翼葉片開發成功,創造出更好的能源效率,並且當年創下最佳銷售成績,且推出第三代內旋式循環扇,而新型海鷗翼葉片專利首次參加台北國際發明展便榮獲金牌獎。11月赴日本參加東京天才發明家展榮獲金牌獎。

Founded in 1965 so far, mainly in the ventilation equipment blower motor components, industrial fans and other products as the main product sales, for the next product quality and product development has been asking, and gradually expand to overseas markets, while most industrial use Japan and the United States affirmed by fan favorite. 2005 began working in the development of the main functions of tilting circulation fan and constantly try to gain experience with the setbacks experienced during the three years of research and development in 2008 has finally developed the first generation of rotating circulation fan and the US certification The patent certificate. In the 2010 cycle of the first generation of rotating fan in Taiwan began to sell. The following year began to TV shopping channels, and in that year for the first time to get a gold medal at the Taipei International Invention Exhibition. After the TV shopping channel broadcast, loved by the public, in the Eastern, dense, momo and viva growing shopping channel, so that the public internal rotation of the fan attention. After continuous innovation and improvement of the launch of the second generation of fans, and won three consecutive gold medal at the Taipei International Invention Exhibition, held in 2012 to participate in Kunshan, China Invention Exhibition won the gold medal. 2013 The new gull-wing blade developed to create better energy efficiency, and then hit the best sales performance, and the launch of the third generation of spin-circulation fans, while the new gull-wing blade patent for the first time to participate in the Taipei International Invention Exhibition will be awarded gold medal. November went to Japan to attend the Tokyo exhibition genius inventor won a gold medal.



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