Oswald Technology Co.,Ltd.
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About Company

奧偉科技股份有限公司,是一家專責於生產與開發 LED 應用照明及 LED材料相關開發 & 設計。為了因應全球性的節能計劃,以及達到目前傳統光源之 照明亮度,本公司不斷致力於高亮度 LED 應用照明產品及LCD背光模組研發與設計。 此外,本公司也期望,可以藉由 LED 多樣性色彩的特點,提供消費者多采多姿的 照明選擇,進而豐富及點亮消費者的日常生活。這也就是本公司的基本目標 “ Lightup & Enrich your Daily life.”隨著人機介面之需求,LCD背光模組將廣泛的 應用於行動電話、通訊產品、汽車音響、 PDA 、家用電器、工業儀器、網路電腦及 IA 資訊產品等等。 為使產品能符合當今光電科技的最高要求,並堅守對品質完善的 承諾,本公司所有相關作業人員均熟悉品質之要求,並可保證產品品質優良,在每個 生產程序上均力臻完善,在裝配的過程,均採用電腦操作系統全面自動化生產及測儀, 以確保產品能符合最高的檢定標準。 展望二十一世紀, IA、行動電話、通訊週邊產品將是最有潛力市場,產品輕、薄、 短、小是其特色,為強化公司之競爭能力,本公司持續投入製程及產品研發以提高產 品之附加價值、同時為擴展生產量,本公司添購多部新穎自動化科技設備,以提昇產 品素質及應付產量日增之需。

Oswald International Corp. is a professional Opto. Electronic Components supplier with decades manufacturing experiences in Taiwan. We started business from exporting 1 & 2 layers Printed Circuit Board to Thailand, Malaysia, India, U.S.A., Korea since 1997. As the L.E.D. industry is developing, we started to focus on the Raw Material of LED displays, LED lamp Holder, and LED mold cup, printed circuit board, Cast-seal Tapes tape, Led indicator, and Molding design & Injection. Since then, we have been providing our customers the best solutions for Led display and Led lighting. 'Best Quality & Immediately Feed-Back' is the only policy to Oswald. Our success lies in our unwavering commitment of never stop to deliver innovative & dependable products; provide responsive & reliable service; doing whatever it takes to be the strongest raw material of LED display / lighting products supplier that customers need. To fulfill the promise of quality & technical excellence, state of the art technology, and latest methods of production, as a professional Opto. Electronic Components supplier, Oswald has been investing and developing in LED Market since 1998. For any of your new inquiries from Oswald products or OEM/ODM business, we are always doing our best to offer you the most satisfied response.



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