HAMBURG Industries Co., Ltd.
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About Company

漢保實業股份有限公司1983年在台灣台北市成立,以品質第一、客戶滿意、研發創新、企業永續為企業標竿,透過研發能力的不斷創新,製造工藝的持續精進,提昇產品線的附加價值,更以台灣人最地道的人情味服務客戶,讓產品不只是產品,客戶不只是客戶,企盼成為專業與技術並進,品牌與服務第一的科技大廠。 拉近想像與現實的距離 Closing the gap between imagination and reality 秉持客戶在哪裡漢保就在哪裡的精神,我們不只提供完整豐富的產品選擇,更積極為客戶量身打造,提供多元化與多面相的整體解決方案, 拉近客戶的想像與現實的距離。 滿足客戶需求 Satisfying customers’ needs 漢保自創立以來,即不斷追求最卓越的品質,最完整的客戶服務。我們的營運版圖也從國內為基礎,逐步向大中華延伸,並在馬來西亞、韓國、歐美等國家與地區建立營運據點與經銷代理渠道,為台灣企業的國際化成長舞出新生命,稱職優秀的滿足客戶的需求,成為實現客戶價值的最佳夥伴。 全方位服務 Comprehensive services 漢保擁有卓越的領導階層、堅強的研發團隊,完善的管理制度,以人為本的績效管理以及最高效能的員工,共同打造出一個完整、高效率、具有核心競爭力的營運系統,為客戶提供了全方位的服務。我們積極建立了完善的品質、環境、危害物質、職業安全衛生等管理系統,用以強化與健全公司營運,更建置了溫室氣體盤查機制,以實際的節能省碳,成為環保綠色企業,為我們生活的地球盡一份心力。為了開發出更新更好又更符合市場需求的產品,我們在研發階段,投入大量人力和資源,經過長期不斷地創新研究,我們的產品兼具品質精良,價格低廉、選擇多樣、交期迅速、庫存充足等優勢,包括:卡座連接器、可繞折軟排線、環保熱縮套管、FPC連接器、USB連接器、Membrane Switch等。優秀的服務則為適時提供資訊、即時解決客戶問題、進一步創造客戶滿意價值。我們持續自我革新,並致力於創造價值,挑戰市場的變化與速度。相信以我們的技術背景與專業知識,必能提供客戶最佳的產品規劃,用實實在在的品質滿足市場,全方位的漢保,打造全方位的服務,建立全方位的價值。 先進的設備 Advanced facilities 利用先進設備及高新技術來研發與生產,一直是世界級大廠長保競爭力主要因素,漢保在兩岸設有多處工廠,在世界工廠的運作下,投入全自動的生產線技術,進行高科技之生產製程。我們提供市場多變的產品設計及需求,系列產品都是由性能穩定的精密機器設備及多年的研發經驗完成。我們利用各項先進的儀器設備進行相關工作,加上工作人員熟練的技術,將最優良的產品呈現出來。我們以有效達成品質優良的生產過程為最高目標,超越科技的自動化專業設備,結合軟硬體,再配以極具敬業精神、技術雄厚的服務體念,最後將優良的產品交到客戶手上。也就是有了科學管理的生產技術,高新科技的儀器與設備,才能不斷地生產創新卓越的產品。 精密的製程 High-precision manufacturing procedures 漢保傲視群雄的完整產品線,與研發累積而成的專業技術,是建立客戶信任的利器。漢保的生產線,要求作業標準化,人員專業化,產出效率化,管理數據化。並藉著嚴格的品管制度,極力消彌生產過程一切可能的變數。 我們不斷追求產品品質的卓越超群,秉持百分百的製程管理,及品質至上的企業思維。在研發生產製造以及品保各單位都能各司其職,透過ERP系統提供的科學數據,資源共享,使每個環節皆能專業分工,全員品質管理,絲毫不鬆懈地為漢保的產品線品質把關。並利用嚴謹條件及數據做為衡量標準,訂立切實之品管要求,進而確保品質良好。 為客戶創造產品價值 Creating product value for our customers 客戶才是產品及服務的最終評判者。漢保透過不斷的自我提昇與精進。很榮幸的為世界眾多知名NB廠、手機廠、電子代工廠等企業提供了高效能、高精密度的產品與專業服務。也為客戶的產品提供優越的品質以及高效能的表現,同時也讓漢保共同分享尖端品牌的榮耀。 為客戶提供競爭優勢 Delivering competitive advantages to customers 漢保精良的產品,優秀的服務,合宜的價格,迅速的交貨,充足的庫存,彈性的客製,在在讓客戶一旦選擇了漢保,必能確保在市場的競爭優勢,而優越的產品品質,更為立足市場奠定扎實的基礎。 成就客戶品牌形象 Fostering customers’ brand image 我們力爭能不斷的為客戶提供最優質的產品與服務,成為世界知名品牌的最佳合作夥伴,也企盼漢保能在這世界舞台上成為引領企業,共同分享成功的榮耀。 您最安心的夥伴 Your most reliable partner 展望未來,我們保證讓漢保的產品更加多元,服務更加優質,研發更加創新,產品更加綠色與環保。並藉由全體同仁上下一心以及不斷的努力,必能使漢保企業永續經營,成為您最佳的選擇也是最安心的夥伴。

Initiated in Taipei City in 1983, Hamburg Industries has always insisted on prioritizing quality, ensuring customer satisfaction, taking an active role in R&D innovation and striving for sustained operations as its corporate objectives. Through constant innovation in its development capabilities and improvement of manufacturing craftsmanship, Hamburg Industries has boosted product lines’ added value and served all customers with the earnestness and hospitality that Taiwanese people are renowned for. To us, there is more to products and customers beyond the surface level and we shall endeavor to become the number one brand name in Taiwan with our expertise, technological capabilities, brand value and services. Closing the gap between imagination and reality Insisting on “being wherever our customers might be”, Hamburg Industries is not content with merely providing comprehensive product choices. We make it a point to take an aggressive stance on providing diversified and multi-faceted solutions tailored specifically to customers’ needs in order to close the gap between their imagination and reality. Fostering customers’ brand image Ever since Hamburg Industries’ initiation, we have been pursuing the highest standards of quality and most comprehensive customer services. And as such, our business territory has gradually grown from domestic operations towards the greater China region. We have also established numerous branches and channels of agency and distribution in Malaysia, Korea, Europe and USA to mark a new page of Taiwanese corporation’s growth in the international market. With outstanding performance to cater to our customers’ needs, Hamburg Industries shall become the best partner to realize customer value. Comprehensive services Hamburg Industries takes pride in its outstanding management, its reliable and competent team of developers, its comprehensive management system, its human-centered performance management and employees who always deliver top performance. Together, everyone at the company has contributed towards the creation of an operation system that is seamless, highly-efficient, and with core competitiveness to provide comprehensive services for customers. We have taken an active stance to establish a number of management systems to govern the company’s product quality, eco-friendliness, control of hazardous substances, occupational safety, hygiene and so forth to strengthen the company and its operations. We have also established our greenhouse gas inventory system to truly achieve energy conservation and carbon reduction so as to become an eco-friendly business and do our part to save the planet. In order to develop products that are newer, better and more aligned to market demands, we have invested substantial amount of manpower and resources at the R&D stage, and thanks to our extensive researches in innovation, our products benefit from multiple advantages including exceptional quality, reasonable prices, diversified selection, prompt delivery, ample stock and so forth. Our product lineup includes: card connectors, flexible flat cables, eco-friendly heat-shrinkable tubings, FPC connector, USB connector, Membrane Switch and so forth. In addition to our quality products, we also offer outstanding services to provide useful information that will promptly solve whatever problems our customers might be experiencing to further create customer satisfaction. We are driven to continue down the path of self-reform and are dedicated to the creation of value so as to challenge the changes and pace of the market. With our technical background and expertise, we are confident that Hamburg Industries will provide the best product planning and deliver reliable qualities to cater to the market. As a total company, we deliver total services to create total value. Advanced facilities Using the latest equipment and cutting-edge technology for development and production has always been the most reliable way of ensuring competitiveness adopted by world-class manufacturers. And as such, Hamburg Industries has established multiple production plants in Taiwan and Mainland China. With the operation of its global facilities, the company has invested fully automated production line technologies to engage in high-tech manufacturing processes. We offer an assortment of product designs that cater to the changing market demands and each of our product lineup is the result of deploying highly reliable precision equipment/instruments and years of experience in R&D. Using various advanced instruments and equipment for relevant operations, coupled with the expertise of our assembly line personnel, we manufacture products of unparalleled quality. Here at Hamburg Industries, we prioritize manufacturing procedures that efficiently deliver outstanding quality and by deploying high-tech, professional high-tech,automated equipment with relevant software/hardware along with our painstaking effort and superb technical capabilities, we deliver products of the finest quality to our customers. With scientifically managed production technologies and latest high-tech instruments, Hamburg Industries is equipped to create innovative and exceptional products on a constant basis. High-precision manufacturing procedures Hamburg Industries’ superior product lines and its professional know-how from years of research and development are essential factors that allow us to earn the trust of our customers. We have taken every measure to implement standard operating procedures and deploy qualified personnel at every production line in order to ensure high productivity and quantifiable management results. Through stringent quality control systems, the company spares no efforts to eradicate all potential causes of anomalies in our manufacturing procedures. We are constantly pursuing product quality excellence and we insist on total manufacturing procedure management by adopting the philosophy that “Quality First”. At Hamburg Industries, we make it a point to ensure that all units involved in R&D, manufacturing and QA operate and function at the highest standards. Through the scientific data and resource sharing enabled by the ERP system, we were able to ensure proper division of tasks and operation in addition to total quality management at every step of our manufacturing process so that no details will be overlooked at our production lines. By adopting the strictest standards and optimized data for measurement, we implement realistic quality control requirements to ensure our product/service quality. Creating product value for our customers We are well aware that customers are the ultimate judges of products and services, and this explains why Hamburg Industries is fully committed to constant self-improvement. We take pride in being a reliable supplier of high-performance, high precision products and services to numerous NB, mobile phone manufacturers and electronic OEMs. By providing outstanding quality and remarkable performance, Hamburg Industries is able to share the honor and glory of top brand names. Delivering competitive advantages to customers Hamburg Industries’ exceptional products, superb services, reasonable prices, prompt delivery, ample inventory, versatile customization solutions are the key factors that allow the company to secure customers’ competitive advantages in the market after having chosen Hamburg Industries. With outstanding product quality, our customers may build a sound foundation to become prominent contenders in the market. High-precision manufacturing procedures Here at Hamburg Industries, we are committed to delivering the best products and services to our customers, in order to become the best partner for renowned brand names around the world. We hope Hamburg Industries may one day be a leading name in the global market to share the glory of success with our customers. Your most reliable partner In the future, we shall continue to strive to enrich the diversity of our products, strengthen the quality of our services, further innovate our research and development processes and make our products more eco-friendly. With unity and continued efforts from everyone at Hamburg Industries, we shall achieve sustained operation to become your best choice and your reliable partner.



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