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arrow 蔽極式矽鋼片

About Company

旭超公司設立於民國六十四年, 迄今已有三十七年的歷史。 由於我們優良的品質和多年的經驗使我們成為客戶的第一選擇, 進而成為北部地區大型的矽鋼片沖壓廠之一。 除了旭超公司以外, 我們更進一步設立了子公司, 專業生產電容式和蔽極式馬達。 我們生產多樣化的沖壓產品, 最大的達直徑800mm, 最小的只有直徑8mm。除了馬達定轉子以外, 亦生產變壓器, 一般發電機及汽車發電機使用的鐵芯片。 此外, 為了確保優良的品質, 從模具設計製造開始, 直到成品沖壓完成, 全由我們一手完成。 至2011年止,我們共製作約600組的模具, 目前仍持續增加中。 其中除包含公模和私模, 也包含了直接銷售國外的模具。 公模的所有權屬於旭超公司, 可接受任何公司的訂購。 私模則為客戶所有, 當然旭超公司保證只為此客戶生產, 決不會洩漏客戶的商機秘密。 我們在國外及國內市場皆享有良好的名聲, 因為我們的合理的價格及良好的品質吸引了許多買主與我們建立長久的合作關係。 我們期望旭超公司也能成為您的合作夥伴!

HSJCHAO has a proud heritage of family business dating back to 1975. Our product quality and years of experience made us the top choice of our customers. Thus, over the years, we gradually became one of the large-scale stamping vendors in northern Taiwan. We further established an affiliated company that specializes in the production of Shaded-Pole motors and Condenser-Run Motors. We manufacture a wide range of stamped products - aside from stator and rotor lamination and cores we also manufacture cores for transformer and generator. We are capable of stamping laminations with diameter range of 8mm up to 800mm. To guarantee our product quality, we do everything in-house – from designing the die and building the die up to stamping the final product. Until the end of 2011, we have built around 600 sets of die and the number is continuously increasing. These dies were composed of “Public Die” and “Private Die”, plus those that we exported to international markets. Hsjchao own Public dies; laminations produced by these dies can be sold to any customer. Our customer own Private dies; Hsjchao guarantees that laminations produced by these dies will only be sold to the owner of the die, Hsjchao will not disclose confidential information related to this die. We have won great reputation in both domestic and international markets because our reasonable pricing and top quality has attracted buyers to build long-term collaborative relationship with us. We look forward to serving you!



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