King Lee Electric Machinery Co., Ltd.
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About Company

"群璉品質, 超越價值" "全機台灣製造" 群璉電機股份有限公司是一家專業製造 King Lee 靜音,省電,耐用,高效能-無油,電磁,隔膜結構-空氣幫浦,群璉King Lee 靜音,省電,耐用,高效能空氣幫浦,在台灣水族界建立了非常 好的口碑,其品質媲美日本貨。 本公司一直秉持"技術提升品質,管理提高效能,信譽拓展市場" 的理念,更時時督促自己,要以消費者的角度期許自己以更高的品質,優惠的價格'來服務及滿足客戶的需求。 能為廣大的客戶服務是我們的榮幸也是我們的宗旨,請即刻將您手中的訂單傳真,讓我們立即為您服務。

King Lee Electric Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in making "King Lee"air pumps praised for that they are noiseless, saved on electricity, durable, efficient?without oil, electromagnetic, and with diaphragm structure, in Taiwanese aquatic profession. The qualities of ?King Lee?air pumps are compared favorably with Japanese products. We persist with the ideal of technologies promoting qualities,supervision promoting efficiency, and credit increasing market?s share. Also we urge ourselves on constantly, to expect to serve and satisfy consumers? requirement with high qualities and preferential prices in a position of consumers. " PROVIDE TOP QUALITY and BEST PRICE IS OUR CONVICTION. "



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