Imagic Media Inc.
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arrow DVD/DLT 母片壓縮、編輯、製作等
arrow VCD母片壓縮、編輯、製作
arrow Macrovision APS類比防盜拷(防側錄) 技術授權
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arrow 光碟片(DVD / VCD) 包裝視覺設計、壓片量產OEM、包裝及運送服務.

About Company

【昇龍數位科技】 昇龍自1997年成立以來,一直都是台灣代理日本影視節目的第一品牌!我們堅持呈現給觀眾最優質的娛樂 內容,並且不斷求新求變,讓觀眾 享受各種類型的影音產品。我們曾數度引領台灣的流行文化潮流,自 代理台灣首部日劇「魔女的條件」開始,我們為哈日族群成立專門日本流行資訊網站;或是引進經典韓劇 「愛上女主播」、「情定大飯店」,首創台灣社會出現「哈韓風潮」。皆證明了「昇龍」掌握趨勢的眼光, 超越同業的腳步,以及開創新類型市場的魄力。 除了代理日本影視節目外,「昇龍」也積極發展台灣本土的影音節目推廣。我們於2002年首創在日本市場 發行台灣第一部布袋戲電影「聖石傳說」,獲得了當地媒體、文化、娛樂界的大肆報導。顯示「昇龍」在 推廣日本流行文化之餘,也致力於本土影視節目的代理和行銷,吸引更多觀眾,支持並喜愛台灣優秀的影視 節目。 在通路配銷方面,昇龍的實體通路遍佈全國各縣市,包含百視達、亞藝影音、唱片連鎖、百貨公司、書局 連鎖、量販店及光華商場等傳統通路,估計規模多達七千三百多個點。我們在虛擬通路上的開發也很可觀, 包含和PC HOME購物商城、奇摩購物、博客來網路書店、GOHAPPY、PAYEASY等電子商務網站都有合作, 另外我們在今年也開始開發學校、扶輪社等領域的直效行銷,使得昇龍更能準確洞悉市場趨勢,提供觀眾 所需要的影音娛樂商品。 【君尊科技】 作為和昇龍合作共榮的關係企業。「君尊」思考著如何在網路下載益發猖獗的威脅下,挖掘出影音光碟更大 的潛能。「君尊」花費三年時間心血。成功研發出世界第一套借助欣賞影音DVD學習外語的教學軟體Live DVD! Live DVD於今年八月在台北電腦應用展首度發表後,獲得了媒體的一致好評。這象徵著我們將原來在 娛樂領域的經驗,轉換至在教育領域上的創新理念已得到大家的肯定。 【瑞米數位】 昇龍最早從DVD製作技術業務起家,我們的團隊是三區(東南亞)中最早引進DVD製作技術的業務團隊, 2005年獨立發展成「瑞米數位」,不論在DVD/VCD製作、視訊音效壓縮處理、平面藝術設計及網路資訊 提供等技術上都有遠勝於同業的豐富經驗。

Company Brief Introduction: By the foremost Agent of Sonic Solution Authoring System in Taiwan , we had been conveyed into a DVD Authoring Company named Imagic Media Inc. in September 1997. And then, by the pioneer of Taiwan domestic company, we performed the DVD authoring works for NHK Programs with a capital of NT$1,200,000 to start the DVD Premastering business. In 1998, we not only became the first company in Taiwan who had the capability to solicit customers orders for DVD Premastering, but also became the primary agent for Macrovision APS (Analog Protection System) Technology. So, we started to promote the APS Technology to DVD publishers, and by the first company who very succeeded for the DVD discs to be furnished with APS function. In 1999, we were the first company in Taiwan who obtained Japanese titles of Videogram copyrights, and opened a new era of Copyright Property Protection in this territory. At the same time, we rewarded with DVD Videograms for a turn-key DVD discs production (From material, Authoring, Subtitles, Mixing, Ac-3, DTS, mastering, replication and packing…etc.) for Japanese Cooperation. In April 2000, we became Macrovision Hardware ( DVD Players, Set-top Box, PVR, Display Adapter, Ic Chips and System Operator …etc.) ACP (Anti-Copy Process) Agent in Taiwan, to serve DVD manufacturers and gained a very good reputations.. In August 2000, First, we were very proud that we had succeeded in export Taiwanese Traditional Sack Drama “The Sacred Stone” into Japan and Southeast Asia markets. Second, we obtained the Korean titles of TV Series Dramas from MBC Company, the most known titles by people were “ The Hotelier ” and “ All About Eve ”. Then, we involved with Vedeogram Title Publishing for Media Products (DVD/VCD/VHS), and ran the Actors/Actress Performance Activities, and the sales of related peripheral merchandise. The Enterprises capital was increased up to NT$50,000,000 by June,2001 with 31 employees. Our Art Work Systems are combining SGI, MAC, PC working platform with our enthusiastic team with 4 to 9 years experience on video compressing, art design and animation editing to devote our diversified technologies and experiences to satisfy your demands. We present you a complete and a high quality proposal for digital information integration. Please do not hesitate to contact us with your any inquires, we will be very happy to serve you. Welcome to visit our E-Commerce Web Site



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