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arrow 多功能壓線工具
arrow 西本有氧水
arrow LEXMARK(利盟)--125cc補充填充墨水
arrow 多用途網路線及電話線測試
arrow EPSON(愛普生)--不含晶片墨匣系列

About Company

西本科技股份有限公司系是專業生產和研發高濃度有氧飲用水高新技術企業。   為了更好的服務市場、擴大公司經營。陸續開發了“有氧生活”、“西本”、“有氧水”、“每日氧”、“氧命水”等有氧飲用水,是國內第一家生產有氧飲用水的企業,其生產技術領先于國際水準。   西本科技秉承“西本所在,健康開懷”的人文精神,以“開放、專業、服務、領先、創新、感恩為基礎!邁向永續經營”是我們的經營理念:“您的滿意”是我 們服務宗旨;“為客戶創造價值,與合作夥伴共同發展”是我們的經營目標。 有氧生活,健康你和我!

1. Sepom Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer and research center of high-oxygen water. Our technique is leading ahead of international standard. NASA developed a new technique, high-oxygen water, and medical profession has found that the high-oxygen water have the extraordinary value to human body. It has been certified that high-oxygen water have the function of making body absorbs oxygen effectively, beauty, reducing tiredness, and digestion. We expect oxygen water can make contribution to human, and encourage people with “Drinking oxygen water daily, healthy body keeping.” 2. Sepom Technology Co., Ltd was established in February, 1985, and has been a manufacturer and distributor of PC system, motherboard, and accessories, and cooperates successfully with the U.S.A., Japan, Singapore, etc. Since printers are popular gradually, and the need of related products is getting higher, the disposition of products can result to a quite large pollution. To protect our earth, since 1995, Sepom started to put effort to research the continuous ink. The patent of filling without needle and water-proof is popular around the world. Further, the new vacuum fillers, and refillable ink cartridges will bring a newly trend. Our items: Vacuum filler of ink cartridge, refill ink, refillable ink cartridge. Based on the spirit of sustainable development and social services, Sepom provides customers products with high quality, money saving, convenient and environmental protection, and creates new field of inkjet printer and related products.



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