Thunder Components Ltd.
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arrow 晶片電容器
arrow 繞線無感電阻器 ( 不塗燃性漆 )
arrow 薄膜晶片電阻器
arrow 金屬氧化膜電阻器
arrow 無引線金屬膜電阻器

About Company

帝谷集團成立於1971年台灣台北,致力於傳統引線電阻、晶片電阻、和晶片電容的生產製造與買賣銷售。 在2004年帝谷集團踏入了TFT LCD液晶顯示器的製造與銷售。憑藉著帝谷集團豐富的資源,帝谷公司很快的和各LCD Panel液晶顯示屏幕和Touch Panel觸摸屏幕供應商們建立了良好的溝通管道,能夠順利的取各種尺寸與不同功能的LCD Panel。 帝谷公司強大的研發部門,會根據不同的LCD Panel來設計最適合的A/D Board驅動板,讓每片LCD Panel都能發揮最大的功效。同時帝谷公司也會因應不同客戶的需求,來調整驅動板的韌體,甚至重新開發新的驅動板,以滿足每個客戶不同的特殊專案。例如:子母畫面、切割畫面、直向橫向畫面、開機預設值、待機畫面等等。 除了LCD Panel的功效,帝谷公司也能依據客戶每個專案環境的不同,挑選最適合的觸摸屏。例如:經濟實惠的四線、五線電阻式觸摸屏幕,反應靈敏並且能防水的電容式觸摸屏幕,以及最堅固具有高防爆、防撞效果的聲波式觸摸屏幕等等。 當然,帝谷公司的研發部門也包含了機構工程師,能夠按照客戶不同的需求來調整帝谷公司LCD液晶顯示器的外殼,或是依照客戶要求,重新開模製造客製化的外殼。目前,帝公司的外殼包含了有:塑膠殼、完全包覆式鐵殼(Chassis)、前鎖式鐵殼(Panel Mount)、半開放式(Open Frame)、完全開放式(Open Type Module)…等等不同的外殼。 由於LCD液晶顯示器的應用層面越來越廣泛,戶外高亮度的顯示也是帝谷公司另一項重點。帝谷公司的背光模組團隊,能夠依據每一款LCD Panel的規格,在不影響其原廠設定值的範圍內,以專業的光學技術為其增亮,同時又不會減少該LCD Panel的產品壽命。甚至,帝谷公司還能降低該LCD Panel的電壓負荷,而增加其產品壽命。這和一般市面上增亮的液晶顯示器有著絕對的不同。 藉由帝谷公司的專業研發部門和行銷部門的共同合作下,帝谷公司成功的建立了許多完善的銷售管道。帝谷公司銷售團隊的使命就在於提供高品質的產品來滿足我們顧客的不同需要,提供高競爭力的價格,並且準時交貨。 勤奮、誠摯、 創新、豐富的經驗、和了解顧客的需求是讓帝谷公司今時今日能在世界上的液晶顯示器市場中站穩腳步的不二法門。為了永續經營以及滿足時時刻刻都在變化的客戶需求,帝谷公司會在未來的時間裡更努力的成長、茁壯。

Thunder Components Ltd. (Thunder) was established on September, 1971 in Taipei, which as been producing and exporting Resistors for more than 30 years. Through the well-communication between us and our customers, and many different and well established selling channels, we successfully sold our products to a lot of dealers and distributors in every corner of the entire world. In 1991, Thunder decided to extend its factory to GuanZhou city, China and also set up a sub-company, Thunder Technology Co. LTD., at the same time. Thunder Technology Co LTD. is a professional resistor manufacture which produces very wide range of leaded resistors: Carbon Film Resistor, Metal Film Resistors, Metal Oxide Film Resistors, Fusible Metal Film Resistors, Wire Wound Resistors (Non-Inductive), Thick Film Resistor Networks (SIP), and other many special products. In 1998, Thunder also stepped in Chip resistors production. Besides normal thick film and thin film resistors, Thunder focus in the innovation special specific products of ultra low resistance value, high resistance value, and super precision resistors. Now, we are very successfully provided these special products to meet all our customers’ special requests. In 2000, Thunder started to resell Multilayer Ceramic Chip Capacitor, MLCC. Based on more than 30 years experience in passive components market, Thunder is always able to understand what their customers really need and provide the appropriate solutions to help their customers to run their projects smoothly. Through the high collaboration between Thunder Components Ltd. and Thunder Technology Co. Ltd's professional R&D and marketing group, we successfully popularize our high and steady quality products to more customers all over the world. The mission of Thunder Components Ltd. is providing high quality products, competitive price, and punctual delivery to satisfy our customers' different requirement.



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