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環友電子公司成立於1998年,主要提供電子零組件行銷服務,客戶範圍涵蓋美洲、歐洲和亞洲。2000年環友營業額超過2億美元,成為台灣前5大電子零組件行銷通路商之一;2001年是全球經濟嚴重衰退的一年,環友營業額仍有超過1億美元亮麗的表現。 為了迎接e世代的來臨,並提供給全球客戶多元化的服務,我們建置了電子化交易平台:包括線上交易、資訊流、(第二階段將整合物流、金流)等電子化服務等,透過eudar.com電子化交易平台將上下游廠商更緊密的結合。eudar.com提供我們的會員: 提供即時、有價值的產品資訊 在1998年,環友電子獲得IBM在台灣唯一授權之電子零組件暨庫存處理合同。1999年,與IBM訂定合同,環友提供主要電子零組件每週市場資訊做為IBM該產品市場供給重要參考指標。2000年ATI授權環友為記憶體供應商….等,環友電子所提供的產品行情、銷售等資訊對買方賣方具有參考指標的作用。 豐富的產品線 環友的產品線: - DRAM Modules • Major on third modules • Major original modules • Eudar OEM SDRAM and DDR SDRAM modules • Eudar OEM TSOP SO-DIMM - DRAM Chips • All major brand and Taiwan-based DRAM chips, these include Micron, Elpida, Samsung, Hynix, Spectec, Winbond, Promos, Nanya, and Mira, etc. - SRAM - Pen-Drives - Memory Card - SSD 環友除主力產品為Dram和Flash外,亦提供上述其他產品線之全系列產品給全球的製造商與經銷商客戶。隨著電子零組件產品生命週期的短暫及不斷的推陳出新,環友電子亦即時的反應市場的供需做調整,讓製造商與經銷商透過eudar.com電子交易平台能迅速的獲得所需,創造雙贏。 強大的行銷網絡 環友的行銷網絡遍布全球,依最近銷售一期業務報告,銷售至各地的比例為:香港39%;台灣27%;歐洲及美國各地14%;日本、加拿大等其他國家 6%。隨著環友業務的拓展,積極的開發行銷地區,因此電子零組件製造商可透過eudar.com將產品銷售世界各地;經銷商亦可透過eudar.com獲得較高利潤的產品。 環友的優勢 1. 針對行銷生命週期短暫的產品,環友擁有豐富的經驗及受讚譽的專業團隊。 2. 快速準時的運送和即時的採購。 3. 與全球多家績優廠商做策略聯盟。 4. 充分授權予員工的組織體系,讓客戶迅速的完成交易。 5. 具彈性靈活的成本控制系統 6. 擁有優良的商譽,深值客戶信賴 隨著WTO的運作,全球經濟體系已趨一體化,在記憶體產品方面,台灣已成為全球主要供應廠商之一,環友與世界知名的記憶體產品製造商如:OKI, NEC, Hynix, Power Chips, Micron, Samsung, Hitachi, Mosel, Nanya,…等均建立了良好的互動關係,並與美國的Crystal, Converge and Smith & Associates等合作。如果您正在找尋另一個可靠的事業夥伴,別猶豫,請即刻加入Eudar.com!

EUDAR Technology Inc. was founded in 1998 as a joint venture with full experience in components business and provides electronic components trading services to customers in U.S., Europe, and Asia. With our good reputation in this filed, we have become one of the top 5 electronic components trading companies in Taiwan with over US$200 million sales revenue in year 2000, and US$100 million in 2001 and now has a family of 30 employees. We are particularly strong in sourcing. For expanding business and providing better service for our customer, we build the e-Marketplease: to provide instantaneous and worthy information In 1998, EUDAR became and still is the only company in Taiwan authorized officially by IBM for components and excess inventory transaction. Then in 1999, contracted with IBM Provisions for providing Key Components weekly marketing information and status. Also in the year 2000, we were authorized by ATI for memory supply. abundant product line Our product line is as follows: - DRAM Modules · Major on third modules · Major original modules · Eudar OEM SDRAM and DDR SDRAM modules · Eudar OEM TSOP SO-DIMM - DRAM Chips · All major brand and Taiwan-based DRAM chips, these include Micron, Elpida, Samsung, Hynix, Spectec, Winbond, Nanya, Promos and Mira, etc. - Pen-Drives - Memory Card - SSD This massive product line is to fulfill the demand of SI, manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers around the world. However, we are extremely strong in Memory and CPU products. powerful marketing channel Our sales region is reaching 39% in Hong Kong, 27% within local Taiwan, and 14% in Europe and USA respectively. The rest 6% spreads out in Japan, Canada and the other countries. The strengths you may see from EUDAR are: 1. Well-established culture and experiences in handling extremely short life-cycle products. 2. Spin inventory turnover by concept of 'bread sales on rack' and 'newspaper publication' models. 3. On time delivery (OTD) and real time purchasing. 4. Partnership with blue chip customers globally. 5. Employee-empowered organization. 6. Activity-oriented cost control system 7. Reputation, integrity and customer commitment. In conclusion, with the increasing demand in DRAM product, Taiwan is becoming a major country for DRAM supplying. EUDAR has built up a very close relationship with all the DRAM manufacturers like OKI, NEC, Hynix, Power Chips, Micron, Samsung, Hitachi, Mosel, Nanya, etc., and is cooperating with Crystal, Converge and Smith & Associates, etc. in U.S..If you are thinking to find another creditable business partner, don't hesitate; we are here. Please join Eudar.com now!



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