3MEN Technology Co., Ltd.
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About Company

群真科技於1995年由三位好朋友所共同創立,我們將它命名為”3MEN Technology”。 當時正是電腦產業市場蓬勃發展,半導體產業生產技術不斷提昇,IT產業正開始萌芽的一個時代。為了提高產能,提高良率,並加速新產品的推出,業界各大企業對於各種客製化的自動生產設備、產品檢測系統與測試治具的需求也相對大大的提高,而此時群真科技正是扮演著解決方案提供者的角色,因為公司於創立時即致力於自動化控制系統的研究與發展,馬達及驅動器的設計及生產。這段期間,我們替客戶完成了各種不同的系統如輸送帶設備、貼標機、切割系統、雕刻機、送膠系統…等,以應付各種不同的應用場合。當時所面臨的問題,所經歷的事,及所獲取的經驗為公司奠定了深厚的基礎也更進一步提昇了我們專業的能力,讓我們在面對“工業革命4.0”時代所帶來的挑戰做好了事前的準備。 近年來由於環境問題,汙染問題,能源問題…等層出不窮,世界各國莫不投注大量心力於綠能產業的發展,如太陽能、風力發電、電動交通工具、有機產業…等,群真科技基於在馬達與驅動器上的專業技術及多年於自動化領域的實際經驗,也投注心力於綠能產品的研究。 2006年在一次機會中,群真科技跨足了“電動輔助腳踏車”這項產品的研究與開發,它即是歐洲市場極為盛行的產品“Pedelec”,經過多年的實驗與改進,來自群真科技的智慧型電輔單車(Smart ebike)問市了,我們稱它為”MENbike”。

3MEN Technology was established by three good friends in 1995. We named it “3Men”. It was a epoch that PC market grew prosperously, Semiconductor technical advanced continuously, and IT industry opened the curtain. In order to increase the production speed and yield rate, a lot of big companies had lots of various inquiries in customers-design automatic production machines, quality inspection systems, and test fixtures. 3 MEN Technology was a solution provider at that time. In the beginning, we are dedicated in the research and development of automatic control systems and the design and production of motors and drivers. In this period, we completed a lot of different systems for customers such as conveyor system, tag machine, cutting machine, sculpture machine, glue sending system, ….etc. to match different kinds of application. What problems we faced and what experiences we had enhanced our capability and made us more professional. All of things we have done make us not afraid to face the challenge from “Industry Revolution 4.0”. People face a lot of severe issues like environment problem, pollution problem, energy problem, ….etc. in recent years. In order to solve such problems, all of countries in the world spend their effort to develop green industry such as solar power, wind power, electrical vehicle, organic industry, …. etc. Based on the specialty in the field of motors and drivers and the experience in the field of automatic control, 3Men technology also invests our manpower and resource to the research and development of green products. We stepped into the research and development of power assisted bike in 2006. This product is called “Pedelec” now and it is very popular in Europe market. Through more and more experiments and modifications, smart ebike from 3Men technology came to market. We called it “MENbike”.



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