I/O Master Technology CO., LTD.
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arrow 抽取式硬碟盒
arrow 讀卡機-B
arrow 八合一讀卡機
arrow 讀卡機-A
arrow 電腦外殼

About Company

抽取式硬碟盒 / 電腦風扇 / 介面卡 / 外接盒 / 讀卡機

Based in Taipei, Taiwan, founded in June 2003, I/O Master Technology is a leading manufacturer of I/O card. Aside from the Taiwan-based manufacturing facilities, I/O Master maintains ten sales spread over the world. Through stringent quality control and total commitment to R&D, I/O Master has developed business partnerships with top enterprises and organizations in the IT industry. The company's innovative designs and commitment to excellence enable it to produce cutting-edge, high-performance products within standard-based technologies. We have assembled a world-class engineering team to invent the fundamental technology required to achieve this goal. I/O Master continues to provide the most outstanding I/O card for computing, combining high quality with affordable prices. I/O Master is your design-in partner to offer advanced technology solution to serve each demand.



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