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創立時間:1991 年9月24日 創 辦 人:蔡義泰 博士 服務項目: A、自有品牌:蒙恬筆、小蒙恬、掃譯筆、名片王、文件王、智慧型行動裝置軟體等系列產品。 B、技術授權及整合: •手寫辨識(Handwriting Recognition) •光學辨識(Optical Character Recognition) •名片光學辨識(Business Card Character Recognition) •語音辨識(Voice Recognition) 用腦開創歷史 經營理念與願景 蒙恬科技定位為智慧型人機介面核心技術研發公司,於1991年創立,秉持「創新,讓科技更貼心」的經營理念,朝向「說(Text To Speech)、讀(OCR)、聽(Voice Recognition)、寫(Handwriting Recognition)、看(Video Recognition)」智慧型人機介面技術整合開發,實現人與科技溝通無礙之願景。憑藉著以人為本的信念,持續創新研發多核心、多平台、多語系之辨識技術,並成功推出自有品牌之產品,成為資訊科技、技術、解決方案與專業服務之領導供應商。蒙恬科技是少數兼具研發能力、行銷經驗與通路實力的公司,於2001年獲英特爾入股,並於 2002年12月23日於台灣股票正式上櫃買賣。 以整合「智慧型人機介面」為發展主軸,及消費者的需求為研發基礎,追求創新突破的研發精神,將既有的手寫、語音、光學辨識、名片光學辨識等核心,垂直整合上下游關鍵技術,分別應用至PC、行動裝置、通訊傳輸、網際網路、資訊家電等不同的產業中,提供跨平台辨識軟體嵌入解決方案;技術應用方面,以整合多種核心技術,有效地將所有關鍵技術交叉運用,體察消費者使用反應及需求的新產品,並與市場同類型產品做市場區隔,提高附加價值及競爭力,以創造人性化、貼近科技的實效性人機介面為職志。

Dr. Tsay, the founder of PenPower in 1991, invented the Chinese writing pad with handwriting recognition technology to help people with little or no computer literacy input Chinese characters with free handwriting, just as they do on paper. No special input systems need to be learned and no training is needed. PenPower has been leading the market for devices with built-in smart human-machine interface technologies, to alleviate frustrating tasks involving computer interaction. With the success of its Chinese handwriting pad, PenPower built its name in this field and was able to invest more resources in other automatic recognition technologies such as voice recognition, optical character recognition, business card recognition, and face recognition, collectively PenPower's core technologies. These core technologies have paved the way for PenPower's growth and expansion in the years to come. Global expansion with a local touch has been PenPower's vision. In the past 16 years, PenPower has grown into a group of companies. Local sales and service offices have been established in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and the US to provide locally adapted products and timely responses to meet local demands. In 2002, PenPower went public and was listed on the Taiwan stock exchange, making it much easier to not only finance global expansion and investment in the development of innovative technologies for future growth but to recruit the best talents in the industry as well. Over the years, PenPower has licensed its core technologies to major OEMs to add value to their PCs, mobile phones and other devices. PenPower took one step further and developed a series of consumer products based on these core technologies. As a result, WorldCard Mobile, PenPower’s new product in 2009, has ranked in the Top 10 of the business section of the iPhone APP store for over one month. PenPower's products have not only gained market acceptance but also have won awards from different organizations including government agencies, industry magazines, and trade show hosts. Among the best awards, PenPower was presented with awards by three Presidents of Taiwan in recognition of its dedication to innovation. PenPower Inc. is the wholly-owned subsidiary of PenPower TECHNOLOGY. Founded in 1997, we specialize in the development of new and innovative products, particularly in the area of business productivity software, Asian language-based software and mobile electronics. PenPower Inc.'s growth is inextricably linked to the successful development and introduction of new and exclusive products, spearheaded by a sales-generating marketing approach. Over the years, PenPower Inc. has established a network of resellers, as well as other channel distribution networks. PenPower has been striving to develop core technologies of intelligent, human-machine interfaces since day one. It is our firm belief that technological innovation should narrow the gap between human and machine. PenPower is committed to bringing such technologies to life.



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