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企業簡介 晟銘電子是全球主要機構件OEM / ODM專業代工廠商之一,除總部立基於台灣外,更積極佈局全球構築運籌體系並擴增營運據點於亞洲及北美等各地,以提供全球客戶迅速且彈性的服務。晟銘具有完整的堅實的研發技術團隊,累積豐富經驗,每每皆能圓滿達成客戶所交付的工作任務。 殼技創新,引領生活 自1976年起,晟銘即以專業的製造技術及堅實的研發團隊,由初期沖壓模具之製造廠,至1985年,跨入資訊電腦產業,開始生產電腦準系統,發展成目前的規模。 今天的晟銘一直以優異的表現領先同業,建立了良好的信譽。所生產的桌上型電腦、伺服器及筆記型電腦準系統質量兼具,更以穩健開闊的步伐朝向〝殼技創新,引領生活〞的企業願景邁進。 全球運籌營運 為了發展構築全球運籌營運體系,晟銘在大陸、美國相繼成立了據點;1997年在大陸東莞設立了「晟銘電子製品廠」,做為生產製造基地、2000年成立美東分公司,晟銘的企業總部位於台北內湖,這裡是行政管理、業務、研發及財務運籌中心,同時也是研發重鎮。在台北、基隆廠、大陸廠與國內外客戶間,設有衛星專線、Internet及視訊會議的聯繫系統,以提供客戶彈性及迅速的即時服務,並引用關鍵績效指標導引獎懲製度(數字化管理)及平衡計分卡執行績效評估,做為樹立企業長青的文化傳承。 最新科技、最佳品質 晟銘重視每一個關鍵性的技術,不斷引進最新的儀器、優秀的人才,厚植團隊自主研發的實力。以多年的經營經驗,體認出產品競爭的主要關鍵在品質,從研發便展開品管作業,配合精密先進的儀器,不斷進行嚴格謹密的測試檢驗,使晟銘製造的產品品質,每每獲得合作廠商的肯定,曾分別榮獲惠普(HP)公司頒贈「最佳品質貢獻獎」及「長期最優秀合作夥伴貢獻獎」、IBM頒發「全球伺服器代工廠整體服務運作第一名」大眾電腦頒贈「絕佳供應商」等,這一切在在都是最好的品質保證!晟銘擁有一群經驗豐富的研發團隊,以迎合國內外OEM及ODM不同客戶對品質與產量的快速需求,使晟銘在桌上型電腦、伺服器及筆記型電腦準系統生產製造上,成為了一個國際知名電腦大廠所熟悉的電腦準系統生產製造廠! 誠信、資訊分享、冒險精神、員工滿意、創意是晟銘企業的價值觀,促使晟銘掌握潮流與契機。在全體員工的努力下,1999年的整體營運績效,被國內專業財經雜誌評定為「台灣一千大企業」第263名,並於2000年晉升到251名及併列「科技一百強」之第33名,更於2003年躍升為「台灣一千大企業」第193名,年年晉升的實績,是晟銘全體員工們一步一腳印努力實踐 的印證。面對未來的發展,晟銘有著無比堅定的信心與行動力,持續投入人才培育研發等重點工作,整合擴充產品線,以期在不久的將來,成為3C產業的成功領導廠商之一。

Corporate Profile Chenming Mold Ind. Corp. (UNEEC) is one of the major global OEM/ODM manufacturers in principal mechanical parts. Having established headquarters in Taiwan, Chenming has developed a global logistic operation system by expanding its global sites to include operational bases in Asia and northern America, thus providing Chenming's global customers with prompt and flexible services. Chenming is able to satisfy the project commitments with its customers due to its solid R&D and years of expertise in the industry. Uneec enclosure bring technology innovation to life Starting from 1976, Chenming has been striding across press mold manufacturing with its professional manufacturing technology and solid R&D team to the information computer industry. In 1985, Chenming started producing computer subsystems and developed to the current scale. Today's Chenming has been leading the industry with its excellent performance, establishing a very good reputation. Chenming manufactures its desktop, server, and notebook subsystems with good quality and large quantity, and further moves forward to Chenming's vision -- "Uneec enclosure bring technology innovation to life" in a reliable and fast phase. Global logistic operation system To develop and construct a global logistic operation system, Chenming established its base of operation in Mainland China and the United States in succession; it established the Chenming Electronics Factory in Dongguang, China in 1997 as the manufacturing and production base, and established the Eastern America branch office in 2000. Chenming has its head office in Neihu, Taipei, primarily handling the administrative management, sales, R&D, and financial operation center, and meanwhile is in the key city for R&D. A special satellite line is set between the factories at Taipei, Keelung, and China and the local and foreign customers for the Internet and video conferencing contact system, and provides a quick and flexible instant service to customers. Moreover, Chenming uses KPI to drive reward system, and uses Balanced Score Card to implement performance appraisal for transmiting its "built to last" culture. Latest technology and best quality Chenming values every key technology, and constantly introduces new instruments and the best people to build up the strength of an independent R&D team. With years of operation experience, Chenming realizes that the key of product competitiveness lies on quality, and the quality operation starts from the very beginning of the research and development in conjunction with performing strict tests and examinations by advanced precision instruments, such that the quality of Chenming's products is recognized by our partners. Chenming has received the Best Quality Contribution Award and the Best Long-term Partner Contribution Award by HP, the No. 1 Overall Service Operation of the Global Server OEM Manufacturer by IBM, the Best Supplier awarded by FIC, etc. All these show the best assurance of our quality. Chenming possesses a group of experienced R&D engineers to meet fast growing demand of quality and production capacity of different local and foreign OEM and ODM customers, thus making Chenming a world-famous computer system manufacturer in desktop, server, and notebook system production and manufacturing. Integrity, information sharing, risk taking, delight associate and creativity are Chenming's corporate values that drive Chenming to grab trends and opportunities. Under the efforts put in by the entire staff, the overall business performance in 1999 was listed in the local professional finance and economics magazine as No. 263 of Taiwan's Top 1000 Corporations and promoted to No. 151 in 2000 and listed as No. 33 of the Top 100 Technological Companies Chenming further leaped to No. 210 of the Taiwan's Top 1000 Corporations in 2001. The promotion in actual performance every year is the evidence of the efforts of the entire staff of Chenming. Facing future development, Chenming has immeasurable confidence and motive to continue its investment on people and research and development as its key mission, integrating and expanding product lines. We expect to be one of the successful leading manufacturers in the 3C industry in the near future.



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