Worldwide Cable Opto. Corp.
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About Company

世通國際光電成立於 1986 年。致力於專業生產能力的不斷進步,以專業的品質,負責的態度來服務客戶。近 30 年的實務經驗 , 使得世通國際光電成為亞洲數一數二的電線製造商並提供客戶多元的電線選擇 . 憑藉數十數年的製造經驗 , 世通國際光電成為顧客們共同成長,可以信賴的好伙伴. 客戶的滿意以及為客戶創造最大價值是世通的責任。強調使用高科技以及專業的技術人員創造環保產品。在業界以領先的姿態使用非 PVC 的材料取代便利的一般 PVC 。更甚者,不惜重金投資測試測試儀器以維持我們的水準。 ICP 實驗室,網路分析儀,氮氣發泡,這些只是我們眾多測試儀器中的少數幾個。由於優良的品質 , 合理的價格 , 和對顧客的重視使得世通國際光電持續的成長茁壯 . 為了提供更多 , 更完善的服務 , 世通國際光電在大陸東筦成立了姊妹廠 , 擴大產品範圍已提供更多的選擇 . 並擁有八大重金屬實驗室 . 不斷的創新,在專業上不斷提昇及研發 , 以及品質嚴格的管控 , 使您對世通的服務滿意 , 是世通全體同仁的最高目標 .

Worldwide Cable, established in 1986, has dedicated to continuous improvement on its professional manufacturing capability. Our mission is to create maximum value and the satisfaction to the customers. Our Factory emphasized the use of highest technology and precision technicians to create products that are environmental friendly. Non-Toxic PVC materials are used in place of conventional PVC materials. Furthermore, current investments in testing equipment such as ICP Liberty Series II, Network Analyzer (NA), Time Domain Reflect meter (TIM), and Gas Injection Extrusion Line are just few of the new technology that we have implemented. We are committed to show endless professional efforts and to develop better means of quality measurements. With the combined efforts of all Worldwide Cable employees, you can rest assure that your satisfactions is the highest priority and the highest goal for each and every one of us!



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