CYM Industrial Corp.
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About Company

以五金為基業的全億國際企業有限公司,創建於1981年。為了提供給客戶更好的服務及全球性市場的需求,20多年來不斷努力,致力成為一個國際化、專業化的集團企業。 公司總部位於美國洛杉磯,因應國際市場的需求,陸續在中國南京、上海、中山及台灣高雄,設立多家分公司及工廠。形成了完整的研發、生產和銷售體系。我們秉承品質第一、客戶至上、誠信服務、追求成長的經營原則,精益求精。以『客戶為尊』,不斷為客戶量身訂作新產品,提供新服務來滿足廣大客戶的需求。 完整的生產銷售網路:以最快捷的方式,最有競爭力的價格,最好的品質,準時為客戶打造從產品研發-包裝設計-生產-物流-售後跟蹤,一條龍的服務。 多樣化的產品線:以雄厚的技術力量和科技創新意識,投資了連續沖壓設備、熱鍛、冷墩、大噸位塑膠射出成型機等設備,為廣大的客戶提供多樣化的沖壓五金、鍛造五金、線材類產品 (螺絲、釘子),索具及各樣DIY五金塑膠件等產品。同時根據客戶要求設計包裝,提供多種類的包裝服務,配以快捷的物流系統,為客戶提供滿意的服務。 先進的管理理念和嚴格的品質控管體系成就了良好的企業文化,奠定市場發展與開拓的基石。 隨著經營面向的多元化,除致力於本業國際化發展之餘,我們也將逐步將經營觸角延伸出去,往其它事業領域發展。 竭誠歡迎中外客戶攜手合作,共創未來。

Established in 1981, CYM Industrial Corporation is an international corporation based on hardware. To provide better service and needs from all over the world, for over 20 years, CYM Industrial Corporation has been devoted to becoming a leading global manufacturing and trading company. With our headquarter in Los Angeles, to meet international market needs, we set up 4 factories in Shanghai and Nanjing, China, and Kaohsiung, Taiwan and have established a complete and sound system for research, production and sales. We persist top quality products, customers the best, sincere service and pursuit in growth as our principles. We continuously invent new products for customization and new service to satisfy customers. Complete and sound production and sales on Internet: with the fastest solution, most competitive price, the best quality, we customize product invention, packing, production, logistics and after sale service all in one. Variety of products: With strong knowledge in technology, we invest in production such as progressive die stamping equipment, hot forging, cold forging and plastic injection machine to provide stamping hardware, forging hardware, wire products (screws and nails), rigging and all kinds of DIY hardware plastic products. At the same time we offer packing design and fast delivery for service. Our advanced management and strict quality control system have built us an excellent business culture and become the foundation stone of our development. With diversity in business, not only have we devoted in international development but also in other fields of business. We welcome international companies to join us and create a better future.



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