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About Company

本公司代理印尼爪哇咖啡豆(生豆及熟豆)、可可豆、天然橡膠、茶葉等原物料。爪哇島為可可與橡膠主要產地之一,我們擁有完整的系列商品生產量。爪哇咖啡聞名世界,尤其是國營農場PTPN XII(KEBUN BLAWAN, KEBUN KALISAT JAMPIT, KEBUN KAYU MAS, KEBUN PANCOER ANGGREK)擁有爪哇島最優質的咖啡種植環境,其生產的咖啡豆更是最高品質的保證。經由手工採收的紅色咖啡櫻果,再以水洗法分選,五重人力篩選缺陷豆,確保出產的品質。每年所生產的咖啡豆皆全數銷售一空,市場上供不應求。印尼紅茶品項齊全,不論是ORTHODOX或是CTC製程皆有完整商品供應鏈,可符合客戶任何需求。本公司為UTZ CERTIFIED之認證貿易商,該項認證是原物料從生產、製造、貿易、加工到消費者手上每一個環節都可以追蹤。消費者或生產者透過完整的產地追蹤制度可以清楚記錄每一批貨物的生產履歷,藥物使用必須合乎規範,生產者要合理對待每一個員工。我們合作的生產商皆通過UTZ之認證。未來將以通過UTZ認證之原物料生產組織為主要合作伙伴,並不定期與各生產商合作開發全球獨家商品,開拓新市場。

We are the direct distributor of Indonesian commodity, such as Java coffee (green bean and roasted bean), tea, cocoa, natural rubber, etc. Our various product lines are our strength to satisfy customer demands. As we know, Indonesia's Java Island is one of the main origins of the famous Indonesian cocoa and rubber. Our world famous Java coffee which is produced in state-owned estates of PTPN XII (Blawan estate, Kalisat/Jampit estate, Kayumas estate, and Pancoer Anggrek estate) has the highest quality coffee growing environment in Java. Our Java coffee has through meticulous processes for its guaranteed quality. The process of hand-picked red coffee cherry, and then using UTZ certified wet & wash procedure, five stages human screening to eliminate defective beans will ensure the quality of our Java coffee products. The quality itself will tell why these state owned-estates annual production of coffee beans are always sold out. We also have complete product lines of Indonesian black teas. Whether it is ORTHODOX or CTC process, we are able to meet most of the customer requirements. By working with a strict Code of Conduct, UTZ Certified sets stringent requirements for the farmers when it comes to the sustainable growing of coffee and tea. Farmers are trained in the area of business skills, labor conditions and environmental protection, and their operational management is checked by independent third parties. The UTZ Certified traceability system subsequently guarantees that the raw materials have actually been grown and harvested in a responsible manner. Our company has also been certified by UTZ Certified Good Inside as a member of UTZ Certified Chain of Custody. It means that our products are also guaranteed by a high quality assurance management system and it can be traced from its production, manufacturing, trading, handling, and processing before the consumers hand. Our coffee and tea suppliers have also passed the UTZ certification. In the future, we will partner with UTZ Certified suppliers and occasionally cooperate with these suppliers to create exclusive products and develop new market worldwide.



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