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arrow ATBC手套
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arrow PVC無粉手套

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通用手套為一家生產PVC無粉手套之製造公司,產品品質優良,符合各項國際品質規格, 行銷國內外,深受各使用者喜愛。 主要產品包括: 一般 9"/12" 無粉PVC 手套、零蛋白醫療檢驗手套、ATBC手套、專利透氣型手套 產品用途: 醫療檢診用、電子業用、食品業用、美髮美容業以及各項工業、家庭用途 產品特色: 柔軟、好穿戴、舒適性佳、無粉塵過敏源污染 特點: 1.本產品不含乳膠蛋白,不會造成皮膚紅腫搔癢等過敏性症狀. 2.無粉,使用後不會因手汗造成黏膩感,長期使用不會造成皮膚傷害。 無玉米粉易受潮發霉及農藥殘留的疑慮。 3.手套內側以PU特殊處理,滑潤易穿戴,並形成雙重保護。 4.本產品榮獲美國藥物管理局部(FDA)核准可於美國上巿販售,核准字號:K010829 5.通過皮膚過敏、生物相容性、抗細菌穿透測試。 6.符合 ASTM D5250、EN455-1/2/3、CE MARK、ISO9001等國際品質規範。

We are committed to the highest standards in product quality and safety, and take pride in our ability to satisfy the requirements of our customers around the Medical, Cleanroom high-tech, and Food-handling vinyl gloves field. We are aimed to be the specialist in next generation gloves manufacturer. The goal of General Gloves is the pursuit of excellence, and we are firmly committed at all levels of our operations, to pursue a never-ending quest, for improved manufacturing efficiencies necessary to achieve undisputed levels of quality. We are inspired by "INNOVATION" to the benefit of our customers. We are motivated to develop the new products that only challenge the limits of our high standards of excellence. We are our fiercest critic! With the investment of the US and TAIWAN patent unique on-line auto-stripping and auto-packaging facilities, our products are able to eliminate the contamination to the minimum level. The gloves are piled piece by piece with neat and tidy fashion that make it easy and smoothly to take out from the dispenser box.



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