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真正的台灣味-金蘭醬油 愛之味健康宣言 耐斯澎澎香浴乳
Product Information
Super Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus)
The main effects of The Royal Dragon are that renew one’s energy and the kidney and improve the circulation of periphery. When people get old, our bodies will gradually affected by physiology, diseases, environment and inner toxic substances, which decrease the function of blood capillary in the organic periphery. The Royal Dragon is able to improve the periphery capillaries, achieves the effect through all over the body. Except for the restore of energy and the kidney, there are also following effects: A: Improve the symptoms of frequent micturition, difficulty in urination and urinating too much in night which caused by the proliferous prostate. B: Improve the blood circulation and expand the blood capillary to drain the harmful metals of the body. C: Improve the symptoms of muscle ache, headache, joints pains and pains in the loins and back which caused by the blood oppilation. People who suffer from these symptoms, there are about 37% of them will feel pain, but this is the good reaction, which means that you are getting better and better. And the pain will be gradually relieved till they disappear, which is the sign of good blood flow; moreover, other diseases will be fully recovered. What are the superior features of The Royal Dragon? Effectiveness: For people who is older than 35 years old, more than 76% of whom will obviously get better quality life. Safety: Pure natural ingredients, extracted by alcohol and the needed substances from the ferment, non-toxic and moderate. Moreover, it is approved by SGS and THA to show that there is no medicine for erectile dysfunction added. Refreshment: There will be a good erection effect when getting up in the morning, while this is the sign of the renewing kidney, which can effectively solve the fatigue between consecutive first and the second sexual behavior. Effect maintenance: Effective time can be prolonged for 1-3 days (few people can last for 5 days), which means that it is not the medical effect; instead it is the effect that caused after the nutrition is fully supplied. There has metabolic effect for the hypertrophic prostate gland; therefore it benefits your urination when taking at the beginning, what is more, the most amazing effect is that “The Royal Dragon” not only makes you not easy ejaculate but have sex at ease without easily feel fatigue
Manufactured : LIVING LAB CO., LTD.
Unit Price : Arrows Price Inquiry
Min Order : 1 pcs.
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